Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Birthday Boy!!!

Today my baby turned 5 years old. He informed me that he's getting old!!! LOL. We had a great day. He did not have school (PT conferences) so he got to spend the day with mommy. Jeremy had to work with cousin yesterday and today, so we woke the kids up a few minutes early so that SEbastian could get his present from us....a Little Tykes basketball hoop. We wanted to give it to him in the morning so he could play with it today. Then I had to go to class to take a test. When I got home, we went to lunch with both grandmas and came home to cupcakes from Uncle Matt and Aunt Sara!!! Spongebob cupcakes!

I let him invite his class to Huckleberry junction and we are doing that later this week. I didn't want to have kids feeling left out, so we invited all 17, because I figured most would not come because it's a work night and about 20 mins from where we live. I got lucky, in that 6 RSVPd. I am nervous though that other parents may have sent the message with their children. I got that notion because while at the Children's Museum on a field trip last week, one set of parents had said that they told their son to tell Seb...well yeah, that message never made it through! That made me wonder just how many parents had that ummmmm great idea! So, six friends are manageable...

On the 10th we are going to have the family party here for both kids because Makenneh's bday is the 14th. Every year I swear we will skip a party, but it never works out that way...this year is Seb's 5th and well, that is a milestone bday...kindergarten and all. THen i didn't want Makenneh to feel left out, and then family starts asking..."when's the party...and well, before I know it...I'm roped in. Oh well, it is so nice to get together and have fun once in a while. And the gift of life is certainly worth celebrating!

Libby will be one on the 2nd! I can't believe it! They planned a big party for her...because not only is it her 1st bday, but her last bday up here with family bc they move to GA this summer.

Matt and Sara put a bid in on a house from an auction site. It is the next road north of our house...They won the bid and are set to close on Makenneh's bday. They also found out t hat they are expecting their 2nd. They haven't made a huge announcement yet bc she just took a home test and hasn't been to doc yet. But, from the looks of it, are family is growing by leaps and bounds.

I know I am jumping all over but that's what happens when I neglect the blog for a month. So much to say. I have pictures I want to share of sebastian's field trip and of all the kids coloring Easter Eggs this past Sunday. But, it is already so late and i know that takes forever and well, i need sleep. Hope this update satisfies anyone's curiosity and hopefully i can make it here more often to post updates or tell funny tales.

Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Oh my gosh! 5! What a great gift! We bought one of those for our big kids so long ago and we just had to toss it last fall. It finally gave out and fell apart. :)

Hope he loves it! :)