Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Just a couple pics

Daddy-Daughter Dance. We haven't gotten the pictures back from the school yet, but this is one I took before they left. They waited in line over an hour to get their pic taken at the dance. We decided that next year we will just take the pics and skip buying them at the dance....leaves more time to dance.The kids started their own "kitchen" band. Pa says Makenneh actually has rhythm. Either that or pa is tone deaf. not sure which is true. LOL.
Kids after the egg hunt. It was impossible to get all 4 of them looking at the camera, smiles and all. This will have to do. We have some better pics on Mom's camera, but I am at my mother in law's so don't have access to those pics right now.

I finished my internship today, officially. I will go in on Friday and then maybe do one day a week. If nothing else, it adds to my resume. In two weeks I will fill out the application for my Social Service Technician registration. I will also be buying my cap and gown soon for graduation. I don't know if I posted this yet or not, but I go May 17th for my transfer orientation at SVSU. I start there Aug 30th. Exciting yet a bit nerve racking. I will be transferring from a community college to a university. new place, new town, new, new, change, change. But, change is supposed to be good, right. I know I will do just fine. Just a bit nervous.

Not much else to type about. Kids are on spring break...i am not. I hate it. Every night and every day I must remind myself that I AM NOT ON BREAK. I keep finding myself thinking, "oh it's spring break.....ahhhhh, relax. Then, reality hits and it's run run run, until i feel i am coming and going all at once. At least I don't have to pick Makenneh up from brownies or Bible Club. That takes two things off my plate for the week. Yet, i still run ragged. makes me wonder how i do it when they aren't on break. Today, Jeremy's teeth started hurting him severely and suddenly. They were flared up a couple weeks ago, but it went away and well, he is stubborn. This time, i started making calls until I could get something done. Being broke and no dental to speak of, well, requires some calling around, frustration, even some tears. I felt so damn helpless. He was in so much pain and nothing i could do. I finally got through to the community clinic and was able to take him in. Of course, this was about 1130 am and I had a 230 appt scheduled with a client at my internship....and she only wanted me doing her application. So, nothingl ike needing to be at two places at once. The solution: Take Jeremy, wait with him until I had to leave to head to the senior center. I kept dozing off at the clinic. Sure I was snoring, I was sooo damn exhausted. And frustrated. You have to hurry up and wait around there. And he was miserable and grumpy and can you please ask them how much longer it will be? And do they have any salt so I can gargle...i can't taaaakkke this any more. He was like a caged rat. It was horrible. I had to run him down to Burger king to get some water and salt to gargle with. The lady there was less than pleasant....we ordered a burger, so there should have been no complaint. When I asked for salt, she generously gave me one little packet. Whatever, he was so mad..he took it and did what he could with it. And back to the dental clinic to hurry up and wait. THen i twas time to head to the center for the appt. I finished that up and as I did, Jeremy called to say he was done. I went back to clinic, picked him up, ran to store to get a few grocery things and back home, 30 mins before my wed night class begins. He was Rx'd tylenol 3 with codeine and penicillin. He took 2...and well, i knew he would probably be out and unable to watch kids, and given that I would be late, and I was completely exhausted, i emailed my instructor and explained that I wouldn't make it to class. Is your head spinning yet? Thankfully my sis had called that she was bringing over dinner. Talka bout a Godsend. While I don't care for goulash and that's what she had, I was thankful that I didn't have to worry about cooking dinner. Now I need to get ready for bed so i can get some sleep and get up for class in the morning. ready for a long break.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

;) Ew goulash! Not a thing I like either.

Cute pictures Christina. :) My M looks just like her Mama! :) How is Seb doing? :) School going well for him?