Monday, May 05, 2008

What a weekend

So glad it's over. I could bore you (or maybe more like shock and awe) you with the details, but I think I will spare you them for now. Suffice to say, the uncle who has always caused the drama has struck once again. This time, well, he was struck for it. I have realized that I am all too nice and far too forgiving, sometimes. This time, I have to wash my hands and be done. I have given him the benefit of the doubt time and time again only to be proven wrong. He is not worthy of the benefit of the doubt. He cannot change his ways, he will not change his ways and he is always going to be full of drama, over-the-top, boy who cried wolf, etc. ALWAYS. His wife has her stuff and the kids' stuff packed and trying to find a place, although, most everyone in the family has offered them a place to stay, should she want to leave him. She needs to do it before her or the kids get hurt. He is volatile. I sure hope that she realizes this now and finds the strength to do what needs to be done. IF you believe in prayer, positive thought, whatever it is, she and the girls could certainly use it all right now. As for him, I just don't know. Part of me hopes that he slips off somewhere and that's that.

On to happy thoughts. I earned 4.0 in all my classes again this semester. I am so happy because I really wasn't sure about my ethics class and was even a bit doubtful on the social work/welfare programs class. My psych teacher hasn't posted the grades yet, but i know that I have a 4.0 in there. So, yay me! Another semester well done!

My aunt was out at yard/rummage sales, and found a bunk bed set for $10. She picked it up for us so the kids have a bunk bed now. They are sooo happy. WE have to go get one of their mattresses out of storage though to put on it. We had one from the bed that was here, but need the 2nd one. I have been able to get almost all of Makenneh's summer clothes from yard sales as well. I only buy clothes that look good and it saves a lot of money, especially when you consider that kids just tear them up anyway. Especially mine. They love to play outside and get dirty.

My husband and dad are going to be building a chicken coup today. Mom and dad are getting chickens. Yippee (with a touch of! Dad has always loved farm fresh eggs and now with the economy getting worse and worse it seems, prices of everything going way up, why not now?!

Well, enough of my rambling thoughts. I don't have time to sit and think of cohesive posts anymore. I have been going to bed earlier than I used to and that cuts into my internet time. ANd can you believe that I didn't even get online at all over the weekend? Of course, with all the drama and crap that took place, wasn't time to breath at some points. My other uncle's roommate/best friend totaled his car out yesterday morning. Luckily he wasn't hurt too bad, but the car is gone. I told you it was a dramatic weekend.

ok, im off here, enjoy your Monday!


Julie Q said...

Very cool on the bunk bed deal! :) I've never been lucky with finding clothes at yard sales.

Sorry to hear about the family drama. I hope your Aunt is able to get away from him.

And a huge woo hoo on your grades!

Leigh Ann said...

Whoo hoo! Congrats on your grades. You should be very proud of yourself! *pats on the back*

I keep wanting to go yard saling but never actually get up and make myself go. Sounds like it's well worth the effort! Cool deal on the bunk beds and clothes!

Hope the drama resolves itself. Families! lol.