Friday, May 09, 2008

Wow, it worked!

My internet has been crazy. My dear husband had decided to hook up the router and run a cable back to our bedroom so he could play xbox live (online). Well, since he and his brother set that up, my internet hasn't been acting right. Most of the time, I cannot get a page to load. It is frustrating me. I will have to talk to him about finding an alternate solution. He said they did it this way so we could use internet while he was playing online. I am thinking it would be better to run it so that i can't use the net while he plays online. It seems to work better that way.

Ok enough grumbling about that...guess what?! Jeremy starts work in the morning. My uncle will be here at 645am to pick him up. That is the good news. The bad news is, well, it doesn't pay much, it's for a small company and the owner doesn't like to pay well or right. But, it will give us some money for now and hopefully something better comes along. The good side too, is that he can ride with my uncle and he lives right down the road, it's right on his way and so we don't have to worry about a vehicle for now. Major plus as the transmission is barely hanging on.

My sister and I went to Home Depot last night and got mom's Mother's Day presents. Funny huh? We got her the creeping Phlox she wanted, blueberry plants, weed kill, pots, and some other things from her list. We are doing a cookout here and then I guess we are going to Jeremy's grandma's house (his aunt is going to buy it) for a cook out. The sad thing is, they never had get togethers like that when gma was alive.....sad. I almost cringe at the very thought of going because that family always finds ways to fight and argue with each other. I can only imagine. After our cookout here (or before) we are going to help mom in her flower beds. She used to spend a lot of time (and money) on her flower beds but the dog would just dig them up. And what the dog didn't get, the ground moles would. But, we are going to get her back into it because it always brought her a lot of joy and gave her a hobby that she enjoyed.

I have decided to enroll the kids in this school district and take it from there. i need to call the school to see what steps I need to take to get Makenneh enrolled in Kindergarten. The cool thing is, she will be going to the same elementary school my mom and I went to.

My 10 yr high school reunion is in August. I don't think I am going to be able to talk Jeremy into going. He hates crowds, new/unfamiliar places and he just isn't much of a people person. He said I could go anyway, but i don't want to go without him. I teased him that I would call Craig to go (family friend) bc he graduated same class I did. Of course, Jeremy didn't care and thought that would be just fine. Ha. NO. I am going to continue to work on him and see if he will budge. If not, it's not the end of the world. I wasn't exactly a social butterfly in school anyway. But it is always interesting to see how people have or haven't changed and what everyone has been doing.

Makenneh went fishing again today and they caught a few fish that she just had to bring home to have daddy cook. I love that they enjoy something together like that and are able to bond. I think it's just great and it makes my heart swell with pride and joy. Oh and today she brought me home the art project she did in class for me for Mother's Day. It said, "I love my mommy because she gives me hugs and kisses" and then has some flowers that she painted. It's so cute. I want to get a frame for it and hang it on the wall. I love those kinds of things.

Well, I am going to get off here and get to bed. Jeremy will probably be waking me sometime before he leaves, without a doubt. Yes, I am a bad wife, I don't get up with him in the mornings. I hate mornings and I prefer to sleep. He is a big boy, capable of getting himself up and ready for work. Except when he can't find something. LOL. Then, I am woken from my peaceful slumber to help look or just offer moral support.

Good night all!


Julie Q said...

I don't get up with Ken either! I was always the one up with the kids in the night and he worked. So, it was sort of a trade off for us.

Now he packs the high schoolers lunches here! ;) That was his idea.

Glad to hear you will have some money coming in. :)

Leigh Ann said...

I was surprised with the "bad news" of Jeremy's job. It's work! It's money you didn't have coming in. I think it's great news all around.

I'd love for you to come to the reunion. I wasn't a social butterfly either, but it should be a good time. It's amazing to see how many of our classmates have changed (and those who haven't). I'm hoping for a good turn out as this is all so much work! lol.

I love the Mother's Day art project. Soo cute! That's the stuff a good life is made up of. Happy Mother's Day and enjoy your family cook-out!