Tuesday, November 25, 2008

snow and stuff

We have enough snow to make a snowman and that's what the kids did today. I spent most of the day shopping and don't get too excited. It wasn't really exciting kind of shopping. I started out running to walmart to get a few things we needed. I was on my way home when my sister calls and wanted me to go there with her. So, I turned around and headed back. She needed a few things, as they are trying to get the house ready for their new addition...making do with limited space. It ended up being a 5 hour ordeal. And I had forgotten that one of the things I had to pick up at walmart was the buns for dinner....we were going to have BBB beef sandwiches. Well, they had to switch it to roast because I wasn't here with the buns. Oh well, at least they got to eat. haha.

I am in another one of my anxiety attacks. I have been this way much since I got home. I was stressed about having been gone so long, for one thing. Stressed bc Jeremy wanted ice cream and mom bitches when we get anything like that because my dad will eat it til it's gone and then be grumpy bc the of the sugar overdose. Things like this is part of my stress. I feel like I am literally being torn in two separate directions. Jeremy pulls me one way (like wanting ice cream) and mom the other (not wanting it here). Making dinner is redicilous. Jeremy absolutely hates onions. My family loves them. I can never please everybody. I can never make everyone happy. It is getting old. If we had our own place, I would make dinner to suit my family and tht would work. I wouldn't have to worry about omitting onions, bc I am not that worried about going without freakin onions. It's not the end of my world. Just all these little things piling up and sitting on my chest like a gosh damned elephant. I realized tonight that I am going to have to go into my doctor and see about getting on some sort of medication for these attacks. I don't think I need a daily med like prozac, but rather an occasional med for when I have the attacks. The downfall to that is, I think the only pills for that cause drowsiness. Or there's always alcohol. LOL. I had to throw that in there because I am writing my term paper on alcoholism. It does actually reduce both physical and mental tension. That's how it can become an addiction for some people. Anyway.....

I was hoping that in writing here, my heart would slow down and settle down. It is working a little bit. It would probably help to get Makenneh to bed. She doesn't have school tomorrow, or again until Dec. 1st. She is sitting her being very good, coloring me pictures. However, she keeps asking me what colors she should use nad while she is just trying to be socialable, i need some peace and quiet. I am going along happily with her game for now. She has been such a good girl lately, I am so proud of her.

I have to find an activity to get Sebastian involved in so he isn't wanting to sit around and play video games all day. He does not want to get out and play, he doesn't want to read, he doesn't want to do anything but pway. UGh. have i ever mentioned that i despise video games? Yes, i do. Maybe he will grow up to be a video game designer and make big bucks?! Just maybe it will be put to good use.

I need to start my exercize video back up. I was doing it every day for awhile but my vcr broke and so i was unable to do it. Now we have a working vcr so it's time to get back into it. It may just help this stress. OK not may, it will. I would feel better all the way around. And the workout is actually fun. The name of it, for anyone interested, is Walk Away the Pounds, with Leslie Simmons. It is something that anybody can pretty much do. If I can get my big butt moving and huff through it, most anyone could. She focuses on doing what you can and just "walking" through the exercizes you can't master. I refused to do that, so I sucked it up and did it all. "Look at this fat chick keeping up with the rest of ya!", as I worked out with my mom and aunts. LOL.

Well, I am gonna get off here and do something, all tht thought about exercise has made me tired. LOL, just kidding. Funny thought though, huh?!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I am so proud

I had the first parent-teacher conference tonight for Makenneh. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous going into it. Basically bc the last one I had last year, while she was in Headstart, left me feeling like a huge heap of failure with tears down my face. They had told me that she would probably not be ready for Kindergarten and would have to do a junior kindy or whatever they called it.

Fast forward to tonight. Her teacher loves her (as did last year's, but still), she is a great student, respectful, eager to learn, diligent, happy, and so forth. She is doing quite well. In fact, in math, she should be at a .30 and she is at .45....so ahead of the schedule. She gets that from her daddy. Along with her attitude, i might add. She is slightly behind in reading readiness...she is at .24 and should be at .30. We have to work on that, but she has come a long ways. Teacher says she has made remarkable progress so far this school year. We have to continue to work on letter recognition and sounds and reading and rhyming. She does fairly well at these things, but not as well as she could. More practice and she will get it. She loves to learn and that is a huge plus. She also loves school. I mentioned to her teacher about what I was told last year and she was amazed. She couldn't believe it. I told her that I enrolled Makenneh in kindy, fully expecting her to have to repeat it. Her teacher said if she were to say right now, as it stands, she doesn't think that would be the case. I am just soooo proud of that girl and I let her know as much when I got home. I showered her in praise and hugs and kisses and "great job".

Sebastian, I just don't know about that boy. He is a sweet thing but he is a whiner. I can't stand it. Persistant little devil, though. It should pay off for him in the future. He is a new generation of video game addicts. He thinks that life revolves around such things. I have been drastically limiting his privelege. It is rough. ALL day long he is at my side, "I wanna play, I wanna play, MOOOOM, i wanna play...." until I want to run down the road until I collapse from heart failure (which wouldn't be too far, really). The new deal is, if they are good during the day, they are allowed 15 mins of electronic delight (makenneh likes to play on computer, he on the 360). Their behavior determines how long they actually get. If they do something amazingly great, we will add a few mins to their time. If they do something not so nice, time will be taken away or the privelege lost all together for that evening. The reward will come after dinner, just be wind down time for bed. It was easy to explain this to Makenneh and I think she gets it. She was super today. Sebastian doesn't understand reasoning so well right now, so I got him whining at my side all day. He did play for some time with his train set that I got back out today. It had been stowed away, so it was like getting a new toy. It takes all I have to stick to this plan because I seriously can't stand the whining. Just make it stop for pete's sake. Not to mention, it's not just me I have to worry about going insane from it....we live with my parents. They don't have as many patience for such things. They haven't had little kids in a long time. So, i try to keep things tolerable for them, beings that it is their house and all. At the same time, I can't give in to him because he seriously wants nothing to do with anything that isn't video games. I wanna smash the thing, but it's Jeremy's and well, that wouldn't make him too happy.

I am starting to feel less stressed about Christmas. I am actually okay with whatever works out. I look forward to buying what we can, enjoying what we get and just relishing the wonder of it all.

We are going up to my grandma's for Thanksgiving. Most of my family is leaving Wednesday and staying the night. We plan to just go up for the day Thursday. I have class wed night until 9pm and I want to go shopping Friday, so would have to be home thurs pm. I haven't completely broken this news to my mom yet. She will come up with a million reasons why we need to just ride with them up there. I seriously look forward to the overnight time alone. I love my parents dearly, but this living arrangement is not working out at all for me. I have been having anxiety attacks for weeks now. They get so bad that I feel like my heart is going to explode if i don't suffocate first. On more than one occasion, I have had to go lay down and do relaxation therapy to calm down. My mom is very negative and very critical of stupid stuff. I dont' know how to exactly explain it. I have thought about posting about this for some time now, because Lord knows I need to vent. I haven't, for fear of her somehow finding it and reading it. I would hate to think that I hurt her feelings. But, the truth is, I need a way to release this stress before it kills me. She and I are like day and night as far as our coping skills. Where I see light, she seems doom and gloom. Where I am thankful for what little I do have, she is worrying about what she doesn't have. My glass is half full, hers is well, damn near empty. Just ask her. It's dragging me down. I have to fight so hard to avoid the depression anymore. I feel it creeping up on me and I have to work hard to stay one step ahead of it. She has started going to church with my dad, hit and miss. I really hope that something touches her and she realizes that she has so much to be thankful for and that life is about those we love and it's important to be thankful for what we have rather than want what we don't. I just don't know. I do know that I am ready to have my own place and be able to relax.

On that note, my uncle says that he has a job offer in a neighboring area and if he gets it/takes it, they will be moving and he still has several months left on his lease of his apartment..ew could live there. We have already been looking into moving to that complex because with Jeremy having been earning cash at his last job, there is no proof of employment or anything and the landlady at this complex doesn't worry about. And, my uncle takes care of the maintenance and leasing. So, it is really our only option if we want out any time soon. getting his place would just give us a larger home, nicer yard. Otherwise, we have to go with the only available unit and it's smaller/not as nice. So, I am hoping his deal works out so that we can go that route. I guess the business proposition gives him 30 days to make a decision, so we shall know by the end of the year. say a prayer!

Well, I am going to head to bed. I know, nothing like cutting htoughts short, but Jeremy just came in here nad I wanna chat with him a bit before going to bed.

Take care

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I think I'll stop procrastinating...

Tomorrow! LOL. I am such a procrastinator it's horrible. I have an 8-10 page formal paper due in a week and a half that I just started tonight. I know, that's not too bad. Of course, as I have been working on it for hours, I was thinking it was due this Tuesday. It wasn't until I just started typing this post that I realized we don't have class this Tues, it's due the following Tues. Thankfully. I am having a hard time with it. I just got it all typed up and pulled out the directions for it and well, I'll be damned if I didn't do it right. She included all these points she wanted us to cover and I only covered a handful of them. That's what I get for not looking sooner. OH well. I decided to call it a night and try it again tomorrow. Or the next tomorrow.

I went and got the last of the stuff we need for Thanksgiving dinner. Just a few things. We are going up to my grandma's. I think that Jeremy and I and the kids are just gonna go up for the day. it is hard staying up there with younger kids because gma's house is full to the brim and mostly of pretty things that children shouldn't play with but that are right on the floor or otherwise in their reach. Not to mention, sleeping arrangements can be tough, with a large crowd. And it will give us a day or so to ourselves here, as well, which is much needed. I haven't broken this news to mom yet, but she should be fine with it. We will be there ALL day.

I am still waiting on the additional funds I requested. I should be getting them soon. Keeping my fingers crossed.

The weather outside is frightful. The high today was supposed to be 29*. I am not sure what it actually reached, but I mostly stayed inside. For whatever reasons, I am not as tolerable of the cold as I used to be. I never cared much for cold, but this year, I just shiver when I am outside and I have trouble shaking the cold once I am back indoors. I also don't mind that the woodstove keeps it a very cozy 85*-95* inside. Before, that would have killed me. OK, not literally, but who could breath with it that hot? Turns out, I can manage. I don't care to be right out in the living room, nearest the source of such heat, but I love having it warm and cozy. Maybe that's why I am not doing the cold so well. Spoiled by this heat inside. Mom used to always keep the thermostat rather low (never over 68* and more likely to hover around 65*). So, this is a new concept in this house.

I could talk politics for a brief moment. I wasn't shocked to read in the paper that Obama is filling his cabinet with insiders. Go figure. Some change from the usual washington politician crap. It doesn't give me a bunch of hope for any other promises. Time will tell of course. I am surprised because truth be told, he is a politician and they all tell you what you want to hear during an election year. They know what works. When the chips fall, they all fall back on the "Good ol' Boy" system because well, it's all they know. That's the end of my rant on that.

Mom has been looking up all kinds of homemade gift ideas and I promise I am going to attempt some of them. I really have to this year if i am to pull any kind of Christmas off. I found a cute candle recipe that makes these neet, airy looking candles. Also milk baths, bath salts, bath oils, and the like. I can do up cute baskets of bath goodies. I am kinda excited to get started.

Well, I could ramble some more and empty my head, but I think i am ready for bed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's not all bad

I have had battle after battle over so many things these days. But, it's not all bad. I will try to back it up some so it makes sense.

I think I told you all that Jeremy's boss fired him for taking that friday off so we could go get a car?! Well, he also said he wasn't paying him. Jeremy contacted a lawyer to find out his legal rights and the best way to go about everything. Jeremy tried calling the boss for days and days, ever since he was fired. The boss doesn't answer or return his calls. HE calls his cell and office phone. So, yesterday, determined to get his money, jeremy would call, let it go to voice mail, hang up and call again, back to back to back. He did this for about 40 mins. Still nothing. Then, Jeremy gets a call from my uncle who works for this guy and apparently the boss called my uncle and said, "Tell him to quit calling me, i will have his money next week." So, Ken calls here and tells JEremy. Jeremy hated to put my uncle in the middle of it, but has no choice given that the boss won't answer jeremy's calls. So, jeremy tells ken, "Tell him that next week isn't good enough and if I don't have my money THIS week, I am proceeding with my lawyer." WEll, my uncle just called me and said he is on his way with Jeremy's money. The boss decided it best to pay Jeremy the money he owes him. Now, my only hope is that it is the full amount. I will know in probably less than 20 mins.

Of course, because we didn't get his check that week, our bills have fallen behind. We scraped what we had left to make the loan payment but that left no money to pay storage. I was afraid our stuff would be taken. I called the storage place and explained our situation and he was very understanding. So, as soon as I get this money, I have to go up and pay him.

In the midst of all this money dilemma, I called on my student loan, because I had only received half the funds and it looked as though the other half was set to be dispursed next semester. I found out that I must have checked the box for fall and winter, meaning they split the funds. So, I had to go up to the school and talk to someone in the financial aid department and I was told I could apply for more funds and thankfully I married a guy with a last name closer up the alphabet list, because if i applied that very day, I should be able to have my funds within 2 weeks! Hoorah, things may just get better. I haven't let out the sigh of relief yet though, because the money isn't in my hands just yet. But the lady seemed to be very knowledgeable and she told me that what would happen is after I applied, they would receive the app within 24-48 hours. At that point the head of the dept would do her stuff and the check would be cut. woohooo.

Of course, my computer crashed the other day, leaving with me no means to do homework at all at home. I have been running up to teh computer lab to get papers typed and so on. What a pain. Well, mom asked if I would like to go get a computer and she would pay for it and I could pay her back when i get my money. So, we went yesterday and got a new computer and all the things I would need for it and we are back up and running. I must tell you that it is sooo nice to have a computer that moves at a reasonable speed. And then, I was shocked while at the store, that monitors are all flat and huge and wow. The one we wanted was out of stock so the sales clerk gave us a larger one at a lower price. I made off with a 20 in. LCD screen monitor for $120. I am quite pleased. Although, I still look at this screen and wonder just why it needs to be so large. Jeremy can answer: so he can watch movies and videos and just look at that picture, would ya?! Ya, yah, it's nice, but just seems a little over the top. LOL.

So, this is my very first brand new computer. It's all nice and black and sleek and shiny and I can't believe it is MINE. I really wanted a laptop but Jeremy insisted I would get more bang for my buck in a desk top. I figured I would go with the desktop with hopes that sometime in the future(near future, i hope) I can splurge on a laptop. It needn't be anything fancy...just allow me internet access and microsoft word and I will be a happy mite.

This week I had two separate presentations to give for two separate classes. I am glad to have them over with. Now, I have a paper to write on an interview with a social worker. I am having a slight problem finding a social worker, simply because I don't want to have to run all over hell's half acres to find one. A girl in one of my groups said that her mom owns an adoption agency if i called there and said she referred me I would most likely be able to get an interview with one of their social workers. I called and left a message and haven't heard back yet. I am getting a bit antsy because the paper is due Tuesday. I then decided to call my uncle and get the number to my cousin because her husband has a Masters in Social work and they recently moved back up here. I will call him sometime today to see if i could interview him. I am a little nervous simply because I have only met this guy once and it was very brief. He won't know me from adam and I will be calling his cell phone. LOL. I hope that he has finally found a job in his field, because the last I had heard, he hadn't.

So, enough boring you with the mundane details of my life. Makenneh brought home her progress report last week and she is doing fantastic. I was very nervous pulling it out of the envelope because I was afraid it wouldn't be that good. I was very shocked. They grade 1 and 2. 1 is meeting expectations, 2 is needs more practice. (gosh how they have changed from my days in school. The grade school report cards were very detailed.). Anyway, She got all 1s except 2. She needed more practice on her phone number and shapes. I couldn't believe the shapes because those were the first things she learned, back when she was about 2.5. She knew them all and could recognize them. I don't know what the issue is there. We will have to keep working with her on them and see what hte problem is. I do know that she tends to say rectriangle (that's how it sounds) when she is saying rectangle. So it could be a mere speech issue...her not saying clearly or teacher misunderstanding her. I have conferences coming up and we will definitely be talking about it. As far as the phone number, she had it memorized the day she brought the report card home. Go figure! She now knows it without fail. So, she is doing very well as far as school.

And my uncle just showed up with the money...in an envelope. I opened it after he left to discover that it isn't the full amount. Grrrrr! So, JEremy is back to trying to get ahold of the idiot.

One thing that drove my brother in law to run for State Rep was the idea that someone needs to stand up for the little guy. He was quoted as having said, "What about the little guy? It's time someone stands up and fights for the little guy!" He is right. I am that "Little guy" and I am not going to sit by and let someone continue to do this. THe owner of this landscape company, Mike, is a real jerk. He hires guys at 8.00 an hour, pays them cash, no benefits, nothing and then when he bids the concrete jobs, he charges the companies he does the work for prevailing wage is around $18 an hour. So, he is making out just in the wages alone. He charges the companies for labor that they don't do, such as sanding. They rarely ever sand the cement, yet he bills the company for it. The list goes on and on. While he is making mega bucks, the guys who make his business possible can't even feed their families or keep a roof over their heads. And this time, he stepped on the wrong "little guys" toes.

My cat had her kittens 5 weeks ago and they are soooo cute. She only had 2 that lived (out of 4). One was still born and one was born with his intestines on the outside, so didn't live long. THe two left are black and one is ever so fluffy and as lovey as she is fluffy. My mom wants to keep that one. She snuggles with it every day. She wants the kitty but she hates having to take care of animals (scooping litter, buying litter, feeding them the works). So, she will keep the kitty but it will more or less be ours. And she may end up having us take it when we move. Which is fine with me, because if i had my own place, i would keep this kitty anyway. She always says she likes animals until they start costing her money and causing her work. LOL.

Well, I have a million other things I need to be doing, so i am going to get off here and get to work.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The big Day

We are less than 12 hours from Voting Day!!! I am tired, frazzled and ready for it to be over with. Tomorrow, we get to be at the polls all day long with our signs. Most places will not allow you to place a sign near a voting area unless there is a body with it. Stupid rule if you ask me, because it means you have to sit, all day, doing nothing but watching a sign. But, at least they are predicting nice weather for tomorrow. It's actually supposed to be around 70*. I will gladly take it. We have to take the kids with us because we don't have anyone to babysit. It shall prove to be quite exciting. Hopefully all this hard work and dedication pays off and he wins the election. If not, at least we all learned new things along the way.

I have a big paper due Wednesday night that requires critiquing a research article from a social work journal. These articles can be found online through our college's library website but the teacher insists that we must actually go to the library and find it and copy the article and so on. Not a huge deal if you have a car. A major hassle for those of us who lack a vehicle. So, naturally, it has been put off in hopes that I had a car in time to get it done. The good news: I HAVE A CAR! (i will tell more in a minute about that). I just got the car Friday afternoon, in time to come home and throw costumes on kids and go out trick or treating. The library Saturday we spent campaigning, as we have every Saturday for the past month or so. Sunday, library is closed. Today, I stop by the local branch library and talk to the man at the library. He spent at least five minutes looking it up and confirmed his initial thought: our county library does not carry journals except for the New England Medical Journal. He said to check with Mott or UofM. Nice. I just came from Mott. I didn't bother with the library there, because it seemed faster for me to use the local library. The brakes on my car need changed so I wasn't going to drive all the way back to the main campus to get this article printed. Of course, tomorrow, I will at the polls all day long, so that brings me to Wednesday, the due date. I will have to go to the campus library before or after class and make a copy of the article and then come home and type it up. Good thing that writing is one of my strong suits. May be hard to tell from reading this boring thing though.

Anyway, CAR. So, Friday, Jeremy took the day off work so we could go get a car because shortly after I had posted my blog Thursday, my check came. We found a car and bought it. It's a 94 Buick Regal Limited. It has the 3800 motor in it which is a very strong motor. It also has air conditioning. Those were the two things I wanted out of my next vehicle. So, I am happy there. The only thing is that the car needed brakes, tires, and a strut. Basically maintanance type things. We got a great deal on it, paying only half of the blue book value for it. It has 157K miles on it, which isn't bad on the 3800 motors. It should last quite a bit longer. Fingers crossed that all works out well.

Tied into that though, while Jeremy and I were out looking for a car, he was fired. My uncle asked about Jeremy's check and the boss told him that he was firing Jeremy for not coming into work that day and that he isn't paying him. Nice! When it rains it pours. This job is a seasonal type of job and every spring, the boss hires anyone, pays them cash and almost every year, the crew is different, with the exception of the few guys he pays by check. He has one guy in particular who never shows up for work, calls in saying his mom died, only to have the wife call a few weeks later asking when the checks would be available bc she had to get it before his mom did (the guy was in jail). He still always has a job. The boss has even paid to bail him out of jail a few times. Jeremy has tried calling the boss all day today to ask about his check and can't get an answer. He has being a major jerk lately for some reason. I don't know if maybe he is feeling the pressure from the outstanding debts he has with the companies he has to get supplies from or what, but he has even gotten shitty with my uncle. My brother was working for them and quit last week because of crap that goes on. I am not going to stress too much over it. I have too much going on right now. We have a car now, at least, so he can go put applications in at places. Of course, with the economy the way it is, those are scarce. Something will work out, hopefully soon.

Well, I need to get off here and start getting our stuff rounded up for tomorrow. The kids will need things to keep them busy and we need chairs and snacks and drinks and such. So, I am off here.