Saturday, November 22, 2008

I think I'll stop procrastinating...

Tomorrow! LOL. I am such a procrastinator it's horrible. I have an 8-10 page formal paper due in a week and a half that I just started tonight. I know, that's not too bad. Of course, as I have been working on it for hours, I was thinking it was due this Tuesday. It wasn't until I just started typing this post that I realized we don't have class this Tues, it's due the following Tues. Thankfully. I am having a hard time with it. I just got it all typed up and pulled out the directions for it and well, I'll be damned if I didn't do it right. She included all these points she wanted us to cover and I only covered a handful of them. That's what I get for not looking sooner. OH well. I decided to call it a night and try it again tomorrow. Or the next tomorrow.

I went and got the last of the stuff we need for Thanksgiving dinner. Just a few things. We are going up to my grandma's. I think that Jeremy and I and the kids are just gonna go up for the day. it is hard staying up there with younger kids because gma's house is full to the brim and mostly of pretty things that children shouldn't play with but that are right on the floor or otherwise in their reach. Not to mention, sleeping arrangements can be tough, with a large crowd. And it will give us a day or so to ourselves here, as well, which is much needed. I haven't broken this news to mom yet, but she should be fine with it. We will be there ALL day.

I am still waiting on the additional funds I requested. I should be getting them soon. Keeping my fingers crossed.

The weather outside is frightful. The high today was supposed to be 29*. I am not sure what it actually reached, but I mostly stayed inside. For whatever reasons, I am not as tolerable of the cold as I used to be. I never cared much for cold, but this year, I just shiver when I am outside and I have trouble shaking the cold once I am back indoors. I also don't mind that the woodstove keeps it a very cozy 85*-95* inside. Before, that would have killed me. OK, not literally, but who could breath with it that hot? Turns out, I can manage. I don't care to be right out in the living room, nearest the source of such heat, but I love having it warm and cozy. Maybe that's why I am not doing the cold so well. Spoiled by this heat inside. Mom used to always keep the thermostat rather low (never over 68* and more likely to hover around 65*). So, this is a new concept in this house.

I could talk politics for a brief moment. I wasn't shocked to read in the paper that Obama is filling his cabinet with insiders. Go figure. Some change from the usual washington politician crap. It doesn't give me a bunch of hope for any other promises. Time will tell of course. I am surprised because truth be told, he is a politician and they all tell you what you want to hear during an election year. They know what works. When the chips fall, they all fall back on the "Good ol' Boy" system because well, it's all they know. That's the end of my rant on that.

Mom has been looking up all kinds of homemade gift ideas and I promise I am going to attempt some of them. I really have to this year if i am to pull any kind of Christmas off. I found a cute candle recipe that makes these neet, airy looking candles. Also milk baths, bath salts, bath oils, and the like. I can do up cute baskets of bath goodies. I am kinda excited to get started.

Well, I could ramble some more and empty my head, but I think i am ready for bed.


Nelson Family of 7 said...

Good to hear from you again! I always check your blog for updates! Hope that you are able to get the paper together! I am sure you won't have a problem with it. Sounds great about the homemade Christmas presents!

Julie Q said...

Good luck with paper! Sounds soooo long! :)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Christina. :) And I'd just go for the day too. We are lucky, we are the only ones staying at my parent's house. :)