Friday, November 14, 2008

It's not all bad

I have had battle after battle over so many things these days. But, it's not all bad. I will try to back it up some so it makes sense.

I think I told you all that Jeremy's boss fired him for taking that friday off so we could go get a car?! Well, he also said he wasn't paying him. Jeremy contacted a lawyer to find out his legal rights and the best way to go about everything. Jeremy tried calling the boss for days and days, ever since he was fired. The boss doesn't answer or return his calls. HE calls his cell and office phone. So, yesterday, determined to get his money, jeremy would call, let it go to voice mail, hang up and call again, back to back to back. He did this for about 40 mins. Still nothing. Then, Jeremy gets a call from my uncle who works for this guy and apparently the boss called my uncle and said, "Tell him to quit calling me, i will have his money next week." So, Ken calls here and tells JEremy. Jeremy hated to put my uncle in the middle of it, but has no choice given that the boss won't answer jeremy's calls. So, jeremy tells ken, "Tell him that next week isn't good enough and if I don't have my money THIS week, I am proceeding with my lawyer." WEll, my uncle just called me and said he is on his way with Jeremy's money. The boss decided it best to pay Jeremy the money he owes him. Now, my only hope is that it is the full amount. I will know in probably less than 20 mins.

Of course, because we didn't get his check that week, our bills have fallen behind. We scraped what we had left to make the loan payment but that left no money to pay storage. I was afraid our stuff would be taken. I called the storage place and explained our situation and he was very understanding. So, as soon as I get this money, I have to go up and pay him.

In the midst of all this money dilemma, I called on my student loan, because I had only received half the funds and it looked as though the other half was set to be dispursed next semester. I found out that I must have checked the box for fall and winter, meaning they split the funds. So, I had to go up to the school and talk to someone in the financial aid department and I was told I could apply for more funds and thankfully I married a guy with a last name closer up the alphabet list, because if i applied that very day, I should be able to have my funds within 2 weeks! Hoorah, things may just get better. I haven't let out the sigh of relief yet though, because the money isn't in my hands just yet. But the lady seemed to be very knowledgeable and she told me that what would happen is after I applied, they would receive the app within 24-48 hours. At that point the head of the dept would do her stuff and the check would be cut. woohooo.

Of course, my computer crashed the other day, leaving with me no means to do homework at all at home. I have been running up to teh computer lab to get papers typed and so on. What a pain. Well, mom asked if I would like to go get a computer and she would pay for it and I could pay her back when i get my money. So, we went yesterday and got a new computer and all the things I would need for it and we are back up and running. I must tell you that it is sooo nice to have a computer that moves at a reasonable speed. And then, I was shocked while at the store, that monitors are all flat and huge and wow. The one we wanted was out of stock so the sales clerk gave us a larger one at a lower price. I made off with a 20 in. LCD screen monitor for $120. I am quite pleased. Although, I still look at this screen and wonder just why it needs to be so large. Jeremy can answer: so he can watch movies and videos and just look at that picture, would ya?! Ya, yah, it's nice, but just seems a little over the top. LOL.

So, this is my very first brand new computer. It's all nice and black and sleek and shiny and I can't believe it is MINE. I really wanted a laptop but Jeremy insisted I would get more bang for my buck in a desk top. I figured I would go with the desktop with hopes that sometime in the future(near future, i hope) I can splurge on a laptop. It needn't be anything fancy...just allow me internet access and microsoft word and I will be a happy mite.

This week I had two separate presentations to give for two separate classes. I am glad to have them over with. Now, I have a paper to write on an interview with a social worker. I am having a slight problem finding a social worker, simply because I don't want to have to run all over hell's half acres to find one. A girl in one of my groups said that her mom owns an adoption agency if i called there and said she referred me I would most likely be able to get an interview with one of their social workers. I called and left a message and haven't heard back yet. I am getting a bit antsy because the paper is due Tuesday. I then decided to call my uncle and get the number to my cousin because her husband has a Masters in Social work and they recently moved back up here. I will call him sometime today to see if i could interview him. I am a little nervous simply because I have only met this guy once and it was very brief. He won't know me from adam and I will be calling his cell phone. LOL. I hope that he has finally found a job in his field, because the last I had heard, he hadn't.

So, enough boring you with the mundane details of my life. Makenneh brought home her progress report last week and she is doing fantastic. I was very nervous pulling it out of the envelope because I was afraid it wouldn't be that good. I was very shocked. They grade 1 and 2. 1 is meeting expectations, 2 is needs more practice. (gosh how they have changed from my days in school. The grade school report cards were very detailed.). Anyway, She got all 1s except 2. She needed more practice on her phone number and shapes. I couldn't believe the shapes because those were the first things she learned, back when she was about 2.5. She knew them all and could recognize them. I don't know what the issue is there. We will have to keep working with her on them and see what hte problem is. I do know that she tends to say rectriangle (that's how it sounds) when she is saying rectangle. So it could be a mere speech issue...her not saying clearly or teacher misunderstanding her. I have conferences coming up and we will definitely be talking about it. As far as the phone number, she had it memorized the day she brought the report card home. Go figure! She now knows it without fail. So, she is doing very well as far as school.

And my uncle just showed up with the an envelope. I opened it after he left to discover that it isn't the full amount. Grrrrr! So, JEremy is back to trying to get ahold of the idiot.

One thing that drove my brother in law to run for State Rep was the idea that someone needs to stand up for the little guy. He was quoted as having said, "What about the little guy? It's time someone stands up and fights for the little guy!" He is right. I am that "Little guy" and I am not going to sit by and let someone continue to do this. THe owner of this landscape company, Mike, is a real jerk. He hires guys at 8.00 an hour, pays them cash, no benefits, nothing and then when he bids the concrete jobs, he charges the companies he does the work for prevailing wage is around $18 an hour. So, he is making out just in the wages alone. He charges the companies for labor that they don't do, such as sanding. They rarely ever sand the cement, yet he bills the company for it. The list goes on and on. While he is making mega bucks, the guys who make his business possible can't even feed their families or keep a roof over their heads. And this time, he stepped on the wrong "little guys" toes.

My cat had her kittens 5 weeks ago and they are soooo cute. She only had 2 that lived (out of 4). One was still born and one was born with his intestines on the outside, so didn't live long. THe two left are black and one is ever so fluffy and as lovey as she is fluffy. My mom wants to keep that one. She snuggles with it every day. She wants the kitty but she hates having to take care of animals (scooping litter, buying litter, feeding them the works). So, she will keep the kitty but it will more or less be ours. And she may end up having us take it when we move. Which is fine with me, because if i had my own place, i would keep this kitty anyway. She always says she likes animals until they start costing her money and causing her work. LOL.

Well, I have a million other things I need to be doing, so i am going to get off here and get to work.


Julie Q said...

I don't recall reading Jeremy lost his job. I may have forgotten. So sorry to hear that. And what a scum bucket he was working for! :(

Yay to the new computer! Oh I love a new computer. And honestly, a desk top is the way to go. Amanda's lap top is having issues and it is so costly to just have it looked at! Ugh! :( Oh and we have a 17 inch flat screen. I LOVE it! :)

Good luck with the interview!

Mckenneh might need to know more than the basic shapes. I can't remember what Z had to know, but I know he learned them from the Wiggles somewhere along the way. You will find out at conferences though. :) Sounds like she is doing well though!!

So much to catch up! :) Thanks for the update Christina. I was wondering about you.

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Good to get an update from you! I am so excited for you that you got that new computer! How awesome is that! I hope that you get the rest of the money from the school and from the idiot boss soon! The kitten sounds cute! We will be up for Christmas so maybe we can get together one day!