Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Where's the rain?

They have been predicting rain quite a bit, but we rarely get it. Today it did rain for a little while, but we seriously need some good down pours. As if costs of things aren't high enough, the lack of rain will make things even higher. So, time to do a rain dance!

I was named on the Dean's Honor List for my two semesters of college. I am a bit proud of that achievement. Go me!

I signed Makenneh up for Kindergarten yesterday. Talk about a bittersweet moment. She won't be tested beforehand, because we missed that, but she will be tested in the fall, in her class. Tomorrow is her last school day, then we have a day at the park and Friday is our end of the year trip. And that's a wrap for her school year.

Ohhh, I found their birth certificates. I was so happy.

Anyway, time to get her to the bus stop. Next year, she can catch the bus right at the end of our driveway..w.ooohooo!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Woo hoo for finding the birth certificates! I honestly don't know why we can't get one for free, then pay for more if we happen to lose them, you know?

:) Yes, bittersweet here too. Glad the year is over, but, my boy is heading to grade 2! How did that happen???? :)

Yes, darker than dusk, but no rain! And we could use some.