Saturday, January 14, 2006

Somebody Shoot Me.....

My gosh, I really am losing my sanity...faster than ever. Makenneh has been very trying lately. I have started with the time outs. Which she resists ever so strongly. SO, in order to get her to sit in time out, i have to sit on the floor, in front of her and hold her down. This is no small task either. This kid has the strength of an ox. She screams and cries and throws herself around the whole time. I thought about increasing her time when she does this, but realized all too quickly that she would be sitting in time out until she turned 18 and was legal to Then, Mr. Sebastian has been showing his mighty temper as well. He wants his way and he wants it NOW! And God forbid you take something out of his hands. After all, he worked very hard to get ahold of that and isn't giving up without a fight. My kids definitely take after their dad. I do not have that strong of a will (my weight will tell you and I am not that defiant. Why couldn't I have one mellow kid????? And hell no im not trying again so i can have my mellow kid. LOL. Thank God the baby maker was put out of commission permanantly.

Ive learned a few things since becoming a parent.

1. I have very little patience (bad thing to find out after you have kids....but then i guess nothing tests your patience like kids)
2. I love my sleep (something you sacrafice when you have kids)
3. Nothing is more beautiful than hearing your child say, "I love you too much, mommy"
4. Seeing your child sleep is heavenly
5. Watching them as they learn new things is very rewarding

Of course, there are many other things Ive learned as well...but I don't want to write a novel right now. LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep pressing that "i love you too much" button and when you are old and gray and have surrendered to alzheimer's she will be the one putting up with your antics! The rewards just keep coming!