Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Well, 6 more months......

...Until we will be able to move. We applied for a loan through rural development and we were accepted with conditions. The conditions being that we pay off the two small collections and then we have to wait 6 months after that. So, we are going to pay that off asap, and then we can get the hell outta here in 6months. Of course, by the time we find a home, get everything else all settled, we can plan to be moving in early fall of this year. It's not as soon as I had hoped, but better than I expected. At least now I know that we can get the loan and we can move. That is exciting!!!! So, we are going to halt our house hunt for now, as the houses we like may not be on the market in 6 months.

Plus, this gives me 6 months to find a job and get ahead on everything around here. So, everything happens for a reason.

Well, there's the update!

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