Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Busy times

Yeah, I haven't been blogging like usual. But, summer is so busy on its own, then throw my summer classes in there and well, I am quite busy. I took my first test today and got an A. I have an Advertising project due Monday that I will be working on over the weekend. In the mix of all of this, my uncle went to court yesterday on his foreclosure and was given 30 days to move. The courts were only going to give him 10 days. So, I have been staying with him as much as possible to help sort through things, pack thing and prepare for a yard sale to sell off things he absolutely doesn't need. So, I have been quite busy. I am home right now because the kids wanted to play with their cousins who are staying at their gma's next door to us. (For those who don't remember, my dad's niece rents the duplex next door and her daughter and grandkids moved back in with her following a break up). So, the kids play pretty well together and today is Kollin's bday, so they wanted to bring him a present and have cake/ice cream with him. The problem is, they aren't going to want to leave when I am ready to. The good side to that is that, unlike last year when the kids were here, this summer, they are getting along great and play very well together. They entertain each other for hours.

So, I am going to get off here and work on my project. I have to design a newspaper ad to meet the specs given by the instructor.

1 comment:

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Wow-I have missed quite a few posts from you somehow! So sorry your uncle lost his house. Where is he keeping the 5th wheel at? Glad that the classes are going well for you!