Monday, July 20, 2009

Where's my hair?

in the shower drain apparently. I lose handfuls of hair when I shower. Typically, though, it stays tangled in my mass of curls until I towel dry my hair and then gently pull for it to come out in near clumps. Tonight though, it seemed to have fallen to the drain. Unbeknown to me. So, who found it? Why my dear husband of course, as he attempted a shower only to have the thing fill up with water. So, he braved it and swiped it out of there and threw it in the trash but told me I had to tie up the bag and discard it. LOL. I have to be honest, wet hair turns my stomach, especially if it is in the drain. I am very happy he dealt with it. But, now that I know it's hitting the drain, I will have to be sure to keep my eye out. Ewwww.

So, our glorious weekend, complete with rain and cold weather. Can't ask for much more, right? Our vacation started on Thursday. We left home with sun and decent temps. We arrive to find clouds, chilly air, and wind. Followed by rain every day. It was too cold for shorts and jackets were required. But that didn't stop the kids from puttin on their swim clothes and hitting hte water, as us adults sat around, bundled, teeth chattering. Despite the crappy weather, we had a great time. JEremy took the boat out and did some fishing. The kids played in the water, catching minnows, collecting shells and fishing. The water was right out the back patio door. It was divine. When I popped my head up in the morning, I could look right out at the water. We attempted to go into town and window shop, but ya know, the rain. Plus we wanted to take the kids to Lake Huron, because we were right there. So, we did that btwn scattered showers. Sunday was Dad's Birthday, so we started the day with a big breakfast, then packed up most of our stuff and headed to the ice cream shop for ice cream. I was kinda disappointed with the ice cream...maybe it was the darn cone. I decided on a waffle cone and truth be told, I really prefer the plain ol ice cream cones. So, that was a bummer, but I was still happy to have my soft serve ice cream. It was sprinkling when we entered the shop, it was pouring like no other when we left. And because it's in town, you must park and walk. So, we all ran in the rain to our cars. It was actually exciting. I hooped and hollared like a child as I splashed through the puddles. Jeremy was carrying Seb and I told him to put him down and let him run through the rain. Few things in life are that carefree and glorious. Of course, riding home in soaked clothes wasn't all that glorious. We had to finish packing in a down pour. Once we got out of Tawas, guess what? It was sunny and beautiful. For some time...then it was rainy. We hit spots of rain the entire way home. Makenneh stayed up at the cabin last night with my mom and sister. The lucky ducks didn't have to come home so they didnt. LOL. I will post pics probably tomorrow. Mom is supposed to be home some time tonight.

I had a test over 3 chapters this morning, plus a large project due. My printer isn't working, mom's is out of its expensive ink which we can't afford to buy right now and most ppl nearby don't have Office 07, so i ended up driving to my mother-in-law's at 11pm last night to get my assignment. I emailed it to her, she had to go over to the office (she lives and works at an apt complex) and then discovered they only had the 2003, so she downloaded the patch and printed it for me. I was so thankful. OF course, there is no such thing as just stopping by...we got to talking and well, I was there til a bit after midnight. Had to come home, type up my cheat sheet for the test and it was 2am before I was able to go to bed. When I got up this morning...I had to cut and paste the ads that she printed for me. I did all this to get to class and have the substitute teacher tell us to hold on to them until our teacher comes back (in a week). NIIIIICE. I lost sleep over this for nothing?! I ran what little gas I had out for this? Grrrr. OH well, it's done and out of my hair.

And just before we left for north, my cousin, Sarah, had her baby. HE was born July 16 at 6:44am. He weighed 7lbs 6oz, 19.5 in long. (same size as Liberty). They named him Jayden Michael. The birth went well for hte most part, aside from the induction starting at 9am the 15th and not ending until the next morning. She opted for the epidural but it started wearing off 2 hrs before she had him. I have yet to see him because we left that day for north and the hospital is about 35 mins south of here. I plan to see him tomorrow. I will get some pictures to post. I am sure he is a cutie!

WEll, I am going to finish rounds on seems I never get to leisurely sit online anymore. Always homework or something to do. Be watching for pics soon!


Julie Q said...

July 16th is my sister's b-day too! :) Glad to hear he is here and healthy.

I do hope you at least got to relax while you were away. It was chilly/rainy for us while we were away, but I kind of like that. :) We did have a day or two of sunshine.

Anyway....that stinks about the assignment! So much to go through and then have a sub. Oh the times that has happened to one of my kids in HS.

Take care!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Sorry the weather didn't cooperate but glad you guys had fun anyway! School is going pretty good. Adrianna takes awhile to get things but she is working really hard. Congrats to Sarah on the baby!