Thursday, July 30, 2009

Change of scenery

It was time for one. Jeremy was frustrated because he feels that he has no say in the child rearing and it came to a head the other night. It could become a long story I am rather too tired to tell at the time being, but I will just say that it is difficult living with parents. One feels the kids aren't disciplined enough, the other the opposite and whoa, it gets to be a bit much at times. So, we came to stay with my mother in law for a few nights to regroup, sort of. We have been busy at Jeremy's Aunt's, helping them pack and load the moving truck for their move to FLA. We have received a lot of nice stuff that they aren't taking with them and so generously gave to us. One is a table/chair set..spongebob, for Sebastian. If the patio furniture doesn't fit on the truck, she told me I could have it. Makenneh is getting a bookcase and she has been wanting one. Jeremy got some speakers, fishing equipment and a tool chest. He is in his glory. My body is revolting though against sleeping on the floor. Oh well, i suppose with enough motrin, I will make it through. LOL.

Summer seems to have finally arrived, leaving behind the cool and rainy days. We went 21 hours without power last Saturday. It was crazy. But also kinda nice. I couldn't tell you how many times I flicked on a light switch only to be reminded that we had no power when the room remained black. We made a bonfire and cooked hobo pies with pizza fillings. it was nice. But that same storm reaked hovac on the yard sale efforts. The tent was blown around, tables knocked over, clothes soaked. It was more work that the initial set up, trying to get it all back in order.

Well, it is late and I want some sleep, so I am going to finish my internet fix for the time being and hit the floor. Motrin don't fail me now!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Ouch to sleeping on the floor! I am glad you got a break from the everyday though.

I can relate on the child rearing. Only it's in smaller bits for us as we don't live with my parents, just stay with them when we go up north. It must be very difficult living with your parents.

Glad you got some nice things from them. :)