Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Time to kill

Something I don't have. We planned to go up to Aunt Helen's cabin this weekend. My sister really wanted all of us to go do something and this is quite inexpensive. I have been looking forward to it, actually. I figured I would go in take my test today and planned on taking the book bag along to study for the test I have on Monday. Hah. It's as if my Prof knew I had fun plans for the weekend. He gave us a huge advertising assignment today that is due on Monday and requires a computer/printer (yeah, mine is toast until I can have a professional look at it which won't be til I get my $ from financial aid) and an internet connection. None of which I will have at the cabin. So, i was determined to sit down and get it done today. Which I did. Except that I am completely unable to print it. My mom's printer is out of ink so she kindly went to walmart to get ink for her printer. I wanted to avoid using that one bc it was designed for HD photo printing and the ink is astronomical. Well, Walmart didn't have the black...all out. Kmart dosen't even carry that brand. So, mom suggested I email it to myself (or use flash drive) and go next door. I mentioend that if she doesn't have Vista, it isn't going to open without a downloaded patch that I know nothing about. Mom said that Karen just bought her computer a month ago or so. Good, that means it should have vista. I go over to use her computer/printer only to discover that they haven't entered the product key code for Office and therefore I can't print. Then I figure I will call my sister, have her print it off for I email it to her. ONly, she is still on OFfice 03. Chris was home so he helped her do what needed to be done and then, low and behold, printer out of ink. I am so frustrated. to the point of tears. To the point of smashing this thing and throwing it out in the road. Sis is going to run to town in the morning and get ink for her printer and print it off for me, take it up north with us so I can finish my homework there. OH joy...We are supposed to be leaving in the morning. I was just recently able to get most of the packing done. I feel like I am going to forget things.

On a positive note, my cousin Sarah went in this morning and was induced because she has high blood pressure. She was due July 29. They broke her water around 4pm and when I talked to my aunt around 7, she was more than 75% effaced and dialated to 3. IT will be a long night for them. I am hoping they don't have to use the magnesium on her because that is what gave Carrie so much trouble. Hopefully all goes smoothly.

I don't think I posted about this yet, but I took Makenneh in on Monday to get her cast off and then had to take her for a follow up xray. I had to take her back in Tues morning. He put her in a splint and wants her to stay in one for 3 weeks. She can take it off occasionally at first with gradual increases in time off. HE said it's healing but he wants to protect it to be sure that if she were to fall or something it doesn't cause a break. I agree...rather be safe than sorry. So, I take her Aug 3 for an Xray and then go into the doc office for him to have a look and we will decide from there if it's healed enough to be without the splint. It kinda stinks, but it's better than a cast, I guess.

Well, my dad got a call today that there was a meeting at work and they wanted him to call back after the meeting. He did and he should be going back to work soon. Hopefully that all works out well. He has been laid off so long it is going to be a huge adjustment for him and all of us really.

Well, I need to get to bed and now that Stacy shared, I will share some more pics. Good night and have a fun weekend!


Julie Q said...

Sorry to hear about the printer.:( If there was a warrenty on it, it being taken apart ruins it normally. Unless it was very expensive, I'd just buy a new one. HP is a nice brand to buy. You can buy the ink online and they deliver it postage free next day.

I hope you have a great time this weekend! Glad to hear Makenneh's arm is healing well. :)

Nelson Family of 7 said...

I am so sorry that you had so much trouble but glad you still went on vacation and I hope that you are having a great time! Love the fact that you figured out! Can't wait to see pictures from this weekend!