Monday, February 13, 2006

What a Weekend!!!!

Well, saturday we went to a Valentine's Dance with my parents, brother and his gf, sis and her fiance, my friend Tiff and her husband and parents, friends Mandy and Ronnie and her dad, my cousin ashley and her bf joe. The dance in and of itself was quite lame. They had a live band which im not a fan of. They played a lot of music that just isn't the get-up-and-dance-and-have-a-blast kind of music. They were also supposed to serve a light meal which wasn't put on until around 10pm. by then i was very hungry. All they served was sloppy joes and nasty tasting macaroni salad and some veggies. So i was kinda disappointed there, as we paid 25.00 per couple for the tickets. Oh well, we got out and we had fun playing Euchre at the table while we drank. But man we coulda did that at home. They only provided draft beer, so other than that, we had to bring our own drinks. So, i mean, it was a lot of out of pocket expense. But, anyway, we left there around 1130 12 and went to Clio Bowling Alley lounge. We had a good time there. Carrie and Mandy's dad sang some Karaoke and we just sat and bullshitted. I got quite drunk by the time we left there. Not to the point i was obnoxious, but to the point i was laughin and having a good time. Of course, I paid dearly for this yesterday. I had a killer headache and just felt blah. But nothing compared to dad's. He got sooo drunk, he puked for 2 hours after they got home. He puked to the point that he popped blood vessels in his eye. My mom was ready to call someone bc he was puking, coughing, choking so bad. But he had a great time. He was the life of the party. He got everyone at our tables up and dancing. He spent the whole evening on the dance floor himself. When i went over there yesterday, he was on the couch with ice on his knee and had it wrapped in an ace bandage.

Oh and about the Euchre....ME AND TIFFNEY BEAT JEREMY AND MANDY!!!!!! I am proud of this, bc i cannot play that good and both mandy and jeremy are very good. Jeremy is very very good. So i can't believe we beat them, not once, but TWICE!!!!! LOL. He knows already that he will never live that down.

well, that's all for me folks!

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