Saturday, February 04, 2006

IM slacking......

I know, its getting slow on this blog. but, been busy babysitting for my me 4 kids all under 3 and there just isnt much time for blogging. Not to mention, my 2 havent been sleeping for shit lately and I have to get sleep when i can. I should be in bed right now, but cant sleep. Too much going on in my head to sleep.

My uncle's wife did it today....she left this afternoon to go meet a guy she talks to online. She drove over an hour and half to meet him. The marriage has been bad for some time, she has internet boyfriends with whom she spends all of her time, neglecting her family. It's just gotten out of hand and right now, they are in the process of divorce...well, it hasnt been filed yet i guess, but its in the works. Money being a big issue. Anyway, my uncle is a wreck. I mean, she has been talking about doing this for some time now, but to have her actually do it rips out the heart ya know. And her kids all hate her and love her at the same time and htey are just torn to pieces. its just a sad situation. I feel so bad. I talked to my uncle today when he called and he just cried. He is scared for her despite the ill feelings, bc she went to meet this guy, gave nobody any info as to where she was going or anything...Not to mention, the reality that there is nothing salvagable from his marriage. The last 18 yrs mean nothing to her when the chips are down. I just have lost all respect for her. The fact that she went up to meet this guy and Lord knows, screw him, then thinks she can come "home" to hang out until she decides to move the hell out. that is just awful. how does she suppose my uncle is supposed to look at her and not want to either puke, beat the shit out of her or whatever? I know, i don't want to have to see her, bc i don't htink i can be nice anymore. Its just gross, its pathetic and its just downright horrible. the kids know ...they have begged her to stop, told her she is selfish, not a mother, as well as called her some well, colorful names. Her 17 yr old daughter asked her....what if one of these guys you go meet pull a gun or knife on you? Her response (to her 17 yr old daughter, no less): Thats a chance Ill take. Daughter's reply: I graduate in a year, K in 4 yrs and you have a little boy who needs you to take care of him.....AND THATS A RISK YOU ARE WILLING TO TAKE???? Kinda makes you wonder who the adult is huh? surely doesnt seem to be the parent. That said to the daughter that the kids mean nothing to her. Of course, this thought proccess isnt at all surprising, coming from her, as she has repeatedly, through the years, proven that she is number one and comes first and if anything is left, the kids and her husband get the leftovers. THis whole mess just frustrates me and pisses me off....

Ok enough on that tangent. I should be utilizing this time to clean...for some reason, i have this feeling of energy...i should put it to good use. But part of me figures, ill get engrossed in something only to get tired and not have it finished. Not to mention, i do need some sleep. At some point.

Oh, on a good note, Jeremy's friend, Ryan is selling his house to move out of state...and we both really really want the house. We figured it would be out of our price range.....wrong!!! Found out wed night that it is within our reach. The prob though is that they want to move in June and we wont be able to get the loan til aug. But, its a nice 3 bedroom house...full basement, garage, fenced back yard, enclosed porch wiht wood stove, wood floors throughout entire house, newly remodeled....very nice. I so hope it works out. There is also another house i found, 3 bedrooms (big rooms i may add), 2 full baths, basement, garage, newer kitchen, wood floors in kitchen/dining room....for less money. But im sure it wont be on the market when we are able to buy. But i can hope. Plus, if its still on market then, we could prob offer less and get it. So, who knows what the future holds, but i am ready to pack

anyway, im off for now...

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