Monday, January 15, 2007


Well, i just finished my financial aid application. Hopefully it all goes through and Ill be all set to start school later this year. I would love to start now, but i just didn't decide soon enough. Oh well. At least the ball is rolling. I am so excited about it.

There really isn't much else to talk about.

Oh wait there is! We had a damn mouse in our house! I don't know if i told you guys this or not. Ewwww. Well, yesterday we bought two different traps..the old traditional snap! gotcha kinda traps and then some glue traps. I know, most ppl say not to use the glue traps, but i wanted this mouse caught and i am no good with those old style traps. So, i sat out two traps last night....around 11pm i went to my kitchen and there the mouse was, scurrying across my counter. I blocked him in the corner with a glue trap on either side of his escape routes. I knew he could climb over the traps, but was hoping he would be curious (and dumb) enough to go through them. Well, it worked, right before my eyes. ANd unfortunately, before Makenneh's eyes too! So, he steps into the glue and is instantly stuck like crazy. He can't go anywhere. The traps have an anesthetic in it, so i could tell it was working almost immediately. And wouldn't ya know that dirty bastard had to just sit and stare at me, as if to guilt me for doing this to him! So, i sent Makenneh to get Jeremy....bc i didn't want to grab the trap and the mouse, to be honest. HE came out, threw mouse and trap in a garbage bag and i set him out! I know, how horrible to allow him to die a miserable death, but he was anesthesizes (however you spell it) I am sorry, but yesterday, i went to get a kitchen towel from my drawer and htey were covered in mouse turds; went to put my dishes away that my cousin so graciously washed for me earlier that day, found mouse turds all over the towel and dish drainer..i was fit to be tied. IT is so disgusting and so much work..i had to bleach everything...all my silverware, all the dishes in the drainer, all the things in my drawers, my counters, stove, etc. I do not want to go through that work again! It's rediculous. NOt to mention, it just feels so nasty and dirty to know that a mouse has been crawling around defecating wherever he felt fit. How gross! I am really thinking about getting a cat. I would rather change a litter box than have rodent poop all over my kitchen and never feel clean. Thank you very much!

Well, Makenneh had the day off today, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. THen the stinker gets next monday off for some teacher in service day or whatever they call it. all these short school weeks, wth!

She is growing up so much. We have implemented the good girl stick, and it seems to be helping. aNd I have had good luck with getting her to ask nicely for things when she wants them, rather than demand them. I hope she keeps it up. It is so much better to do things for her when she is asking nicely. I also created a reward list so that she has choices of rewards when she gets her 5 sticks. THey are just simple things like 10 mins on the computer, extra 10 mins before bed, extra bed time story, etc. But im sure they are things that will motivate her to do her best.

She is also learning so much so fast. Some is good...well, some is not so good. She informed us that was PISSED last night. LOL. She heard dad say it and she decided that she felt the same way. We don't yell at her for this. WE just tell her that ____ isn't a nice word but she can use _____ instead. It seems to work. I think the more taboo we make words seem, the more appeal they have in a child's eye.

She has been writing some letters, saying most of her alphabet and it seems she knows more each day. I don't know that she will ever have her alphabet down though. She just hasn't been interested in learning it yet. I have sang the alphabet song to her since birth..yet she refused, for so long, to try to say them. Now she will go up to h or i, depending. Im sure she will get it and before too long. Im not going to force it and make it a miserable learning experience for her. She has just enough zest to learn and i don't want to stomp on it. She asks questions, she carries on conversations, she tries, she is getting it.

Sebastian did better last night with the screaming. It wasn't nearly as long winded. I think he only cried for a half hour and it wasn't the high pitched, blood curdling screams he was doing. Thank God for that! HE has also turned into a jabber-whacky. He is always saying something or another in mumble jumble. He is also saying more and more words and answering questions like are you hungry? do you want a drink, etc.

Well, im off here for finish up on here and get the troops rounded up and out!


Julie Q said...

We need Amanda's proof of income to do her fafsa! Ugh, I hate waiting! I am hoping to have that information soon.

I hate mice! They just creep me out! Unfortunately that probably wasn't the only one you have. Darn mobile homes! We don't get many here. About one a year, but we always keep the traps set. Our house is set on a concrete slab, so no place to burrow into under the house.

It sounds like Makenneh is doing great at school. She will get the alphabet. Just read to her and she will pick up the love for reading. Pick fun books with charaters she likes. The library is free and full of them. :)

You sound busy. Busy is good sometimes. :)

The other me said...

The mouse? ACK! the rest? Sounds like you are busy and doing pretty good!YEAY!

Julie Q said...

I must say, we have a cat and she's not a mouser. :) I believe most are, just my luck I guess. he he

Hope you are doing well Christina.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,
lots of love from germany!!
I will call You within the next days. Guess we´ll have a lot to talk about!!