Wednesday, January 31, 2007

This and That

Well, I had a busy day, again! I had to get up and get kids rounded up then head out. Dropped kids off at my moms, went to Walmart to get all the stuff Chris needed, then got almost to hospital and realized I had forgotten to get her a brush, so had to stop at another store on the way. get to the damn hospital, wait about 10 mins with hands full of bags for a freakin elevator! Im not making this up. I was getting a bit concerned about stepping inside. But, of course, it beats trekkin up stairs with all this stuff (which is heavy btw, big value size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, plus mouth wash, etc...adds up). There were 4 other ppl waiting for an elevator. So, it finally stops and opens, there are 3 ppl in there already, one being a lady in a wheelchair! Then, i'll be damned if the thing didn't stop at several other floors and more ppl loaded in. I was beginning to feel very claustaphobic. I mean, how many ppl can safely load into one single old elevator? Finally, my floor..i get off and get to her room. I stayed and visited a bit...we had lunch together. Ya know, the wonderful hospital food. Actually, i was rather impressed. She had a chicken caeser wrap. It was actually pretty good. Then, i left so she could get a much anticipated shower. I did find out while there that they aren't letting her go home until she is off the oxygen and her O2 Saturation levels stay at 94 or higher. They are looking at a couple more days probably. Her O2 looked to be set at about 3 or 4 right now. I couldn't get back there to see it up close. They don't keep her hooked to a monitor to displays her sats and stuff, so i have no idea what they are. they have her hooked to an iv that is pumping her with steriods, antibiotics and other goodies.

After i left there, i stopped and got the plates and cups for Carrie's bridal shower. then, I headed back to my moms in time to get the kids and get Makenneh to school. I took the extra time to check her head (mom helped me so it went much faster). It just seems that there isn't enough time in a day.

I came home, cooked dinner, ate, and then relaxed on the couch for maybe a half hour, before it was time to get Makenneh. After i got her, i had to stop at the grocery store, bc i read up on some home remedies for lice and by golly, im going to try them. (of course, when we checked her head before school, we saw nothing). But, i don't want to deal with bugs anymore, so im going to be prepared and seems these treatments are natural and safe, it doesn't hurt to do them "just in case". I get her home, they play for a bit, then i put them in the bath. You can already see where this is going, can't you? I get them out and go through Makenneh's hair. I get the white vinegar and saturate her hair, leave it one for a few mins (not too long though bc it was burning the scabs on her scalp from itching, dryness, etc). So, I start running the nit comb through and found a freakin bug...alive and well. i was so upset. So, either both my mom and I are missing nits when we go through her hair or she is getting reinfested at school. At either rate, I cannot take anymore. We have spent about $140 on lice treatments (including my trip to grocery store tonight. Olive oil, listerene, denorex, white vinegar, shower caps, hair clips). I have washed/dried the bedding so much it will be falling apart soon! I have sprayed more chemicals (which are pesticided btw=not exactly healthy for repeated uses). I am over it. sHe fell asleep right after i picked through her hair tonight. Can't say i blame her. It took a good half hour, with me hunched over her head...holding a desk lamp (the kind that clamp) by my mouth, so i could have both hands to work the hair. The lamp gets extremely hot and was burning me, bc it was resting on my chest, but i am so over these bugs, i didn't care. tomorrow night, i am putting the olive oil in her hair, covering head with shower cap and she will sleep for 8 hours. I will then wash it and go through it again. Tomorrow I am going to get Cetaphil lotion and the next night, i will saturate her dry hair with that, comb the excess out and then blow dry it (which is said to take a long time bc it's so thick). then, she will sleep on that and i will wash and comb and pick some more! I know you guys just envy me and the exciting times i have ahead! The oil and cetaphil are both supposed to smother the bugs. I will ahve to repeat this every week, to ensure that all live bugs are smothered as those nits hatch. I hope that within 2 weeks, we will be bug free! Because if not, i will be in a white padded room! And I don't think they allow computers in there! I have heard though, that after time, you do get to use the jumbo crayons, and in which case, I will be sure to write! LOL. I hope they issue Crayola, bc those are the only crayons i prefer to use. I am bagging every piece of bedding/pillow/anything with any material and it will sit in the shed until it is stolen or the bugs are guaranteed gone, whichever comes first. I currently have 3 bags of said stuff on my porch. I am living like white trash now, for sure! LOL. But, i don't care. I want these bugs GONE! I do not understand how we can live in this day and age where technology is so advanced, yet we still battle something as freakin primitive as head lice. I mean, we have a vaccine for chicken pox now! but, can't eradicate head lice. It's a gimmick, i tell ya! Bc if they eradicated head lice, companies such as Rid and Nix would not need to exist. So, for the love of money, we must suffer through these bouts of lice. And everything i read and have been told (even by health department) says that lice are becoming resistant to the shampoos. Yet, there is a website, where for a mere 77.00 you can purchase a lice killing kit for one person's use. A family kit only costs 111.00. It is guaranteed to work or your money back. But wait there's more! Order now and we will throw in a free frying pan (to beat yourself over the head with). Ok, ok, no it doesn't have the "but wait...." stuff on the site. But, i do wonder if it really works. I mean, i have spent more than $111 as it is. And it didn't work and nobody is giving me my money back. Walmart said something about their return policy doesn't apply to open and used merchandise. Doh! JK. I have to say though, that vinegar made her hair soooo silky and soft. I think i shall use it in my hair tomorrow. Then, i can smell like a Summer's Eve douche! LOL. I am adding the humor here, but really, folks, im not feelin it! It is merely for your reading entertainment purposes only!

So anyway, Im tired and feel awfully defeated. I think i will keep her home from school all next week to try to get this under control. My thursday will be spent vaccumming, laundry, nit-picking, and garbage bag stuffing and hair pulling.

She is sleeping on the couch right nex to the computer desk and as I glance over at her, I must tell you, she looks absolutely divine. I can't believe she is the same child who through such a horrendous fit at Kroger that I wanted to leave her there!

Well, it's bed time. Last time i was in our bedroom, rounding clothes and bedding up, Jeremy was sprawled across the entire bed, sideways. So, i can just imagine the fun I will have trying to get into bed. I think I'll opt for the couch tonight. he sleeps like a dead log and can't be budged most of the time. And i certainly don't have the energy or strength to try to push him over so i can get in bed.


Anonymous said...

Christina, I would talk to the school about the head lice. If you checked her hair before she left and there was nothing than chances are it is coming from another little kid in the class hows parents my not be taking care of the problem like you are so I would let them know that there is a problem and you want it taken care of and fast. Let me know what you find out. I wouldn't wait on it because you could keep her out for a week but chances are if you send her back after that time she will end up with it again because of the parents of the other children. Good luck!!!

Julie Q said...

I agree. The school should be checking every child in her class. Every child in the school. Lice can go from child to child so easily. If their coats hang on hooks along side each other, they can travel that way as well. I would keep her home as well. In the mean time, the rest of the children should be checked. I am surprised the health department didn't ask you what school she went to so they could alert the parents they are around. Whenever they were going around the elementary school my older kids went to they always sent home a note. They wanted us to be aware of the problem as well.

You must have been just exhausted last night! I hope you got some sleep.

It sounds like they are taking good care of your mil law now. How scary they sent her home the other night though.