Thursday, January 11, 2007

Look what I can do!

I am sitting in the computer lab at the college,right now,typing this! I have met with the counselor and have a plan for my future! I feel invincible right now! I dare someone to try to step in my way! LOL!

I am going for an associates in arts, which will be transfered to a University to obtain my bachelors and then on to my masters...with my final destination being a LPC=licensed practicing councelor! Can you say $80-120 per counseling session (which is 45 mins, btw...woohoo)! And i was born to do this...i have always known it. The sad part is, i could already have my masters and be working making my good money if i had stuck it through right out of college, but oh well. the truth is, i was going for elementary ed back then anyway, so i guess, everythinghappens for a reason. the space bar sucks on this damn keyboard, so sorry for the messed up spacing. But you are all smart ppl and im sure you can figure it

anyway, i don'tknowif i am actually supposedto do be doing this in here, but i was at a stand still on my financial aid form, so thought while i had internet connection, i woudl update!

I can't start until this spring though bc of the financial aid...but hey, the ball is rolling and we are well on our way! Hello future!


Julie Q said...

Good for you Christina! :) That is so wonderful!

I hope my daughter gets some financial aid next year! Cross your fingers for us! ;)

Anonymous said...

Christina, how wonderful for you! I always applaud furthering your education! It just makes sense in this world. I know you will be a good counselor!

Love, Aunt Bev

PS glad to see some more blogs! i've missed you!