Sunday, November 04, 2007

Vicks Vaporub, transportation and other tidbits, im sure

First things, first. After reading my blog about Makenneh coughing violently all night, my Aunt Bev emailed me something she had received in an email. To be honest, when i saw the subject "vicks vaporub", i really thought "Oh, no! It wasn't such a good idea that i used it on her....Aunt Bev is emailing to warn me of some danger...." But, instead, it was email (yeah, i already said that) about a different use for that stinky stuff. When you have kids (or adults) who are hacking the night away...rub some vicks on their feet before bedtime, put socks on them and voila! No coughing, peaceful sleep. it sounded far too good to be true, but hey, what would it hurt? So that very night, before bed, i slather her feet in the stinky goo and put socks on her. She goes to sleep without so much as a cough. Still skeptical, thinking maybe it was a fluke. But, who wants their baby hacking their brains out all night? So, i did it the second night...same thing. PEaceful, cough-free sleep. Well, earlier tonight i had given her some medicine bc she was stuffy. I forgot to do the vaporub before she fell asleep. didn't take me long to remember. She was hacking horribly. So, i just put the stinky goo on her feet while she slept and covered her feet in socks. IT has been about 20 mins and the coughing has seemed to cease. Woohoo! THank you, Aunt Bev for sharing this info and I am going to pass it along to the rest of the world. It is a miracle cure for that nasty nighttime cough. Oops, she did just cough...but the bouts are getting further it seems most beneficial to remember this before sleep.

2nd and probably last thing bc my cursor is doing that "moving far slower than i type and driving me batty" thing. Jeremy has to have the car tomorrow to have a meeting with his boss. So, i am without car and have class at 1pm. Very stressful. I was unsuccessful at finding a ride to scchool thus far (I am leaving typos bc damn it takes too long for this cursor to catch up to my typing). IF i haven't figured something out in reasonable time before class, i will call my instructor and beg him to have mercy on my "everything is going to hell in a handbasket" soul. Please wish me luck, say a prayer, something.

Ok, 3rd thing...bc what the heck....My sister called me this am and asked if i wanted to go to church w her. Well, that's a loaded question. I Couldn't say no, bc well, God would hear that. I didn't exactly want to say yes either. NOt because i am opposed to going to church, but bc my stranger anxiety kicks in and isn't it just so much easier to stay home, where i am comfortable? SHould i really go mingle with ppl i dont know? And face it, when we need to be in church most, is when we feel the least like going. So, i agreed. Makenneh went with us and she went down ot the Junior Church room while we stayed up for the service. She enjoyed herself. I felt so so about it. One thing about being a guest at a church, is I always feel as though the preacher/minister/pastor assumes that bc I am not a memeber, i mustn't be saved. It is a very wrong assumption. I accepted Christ as my Savior many many moons ago. And while i can be quite the heathen at times, I Honestly did grow up in church. I KNOw God and I believe in the Word of God. Don't get me wrong, the people were very kind and welcoming. The sermon just kinda felt very "pushy" to me. Perhaps i am a somewhat lost soul, or maybe it's part of my great grandfather (my paternal gma's father) coming out in me. LOL. In doing my research for my presentation for last thurs, i learned that he believed in God but not in church. And, i guess, that's kinda how i feel. I Understand the whole concept of church and why it is important and the role it plays in your religious life. However, more often than not, it tends to make me feel more crappy about myself after attending...and i just don't know that that is productive. I know that I fall short of the Glory of God...but attending church makes me feel like it's almost unobtainable....i can't think of the words. Then, there is the whole issue of judgement. I feel like when a bunch of ppl get together to worship on Sunday (or wahtever their day is), it is a breeding grounds to pass judgement on those who either don't believe or believe differently. I dislike that aspect. I believe that God loves everyone and that HE prefers we leave teh judging to him. Anyway, i could probably go on more about this...but maybe i just have to admit to being a heathen and not finding church as pleasurable now that I am older and not as naive to the world around me. I am not holier than thou..i will never be,, nor do i want to be. I also don't want to be around others who emanate this sort of attitude. For me and my house, we will worship the Lord...but we will do it from our home, most likely. I may start going more often for teh kids' sake bc i do think it is important for kids to learn about God in a church setting. I do know taht I am not nearly knowledgable enough to teach them all that they need to know about God and Jesus and it's actually quite confusing to try...We will see. I MAy also try out a few diff churches until i find out that better fits my needs.

Anyway, that's my rants for this evening.

And lastly, but definitely not least....Today marked the 3rd anniversary of my Aunt Dawn's death. I Can't believe it's been 3 years. Although, on the other hand, it feels like a lifetime since I Was able to call her up and talk about everything and anything, even at 2am. A lifetime since I was able to run the roads with her, play board games all night, have dinner with her, anything. And I did very well today...until now. THe homework is set aside, kids are sleeping, house is quiet and i am left alone with my thoughts. So many times, i get frustrated over things needing a ride to school for instance...and i think..if she were here, it wouldn't be a problem...she would take me or let me use her vehicle. Or when the kids have me fit to be tied...if she were here, i could call her up just to talk. When im having a bad day and nothing is going right..i used to be able to call her up and she would lend an ear..or stop by and she would lend a shoulder...a hug...She had a very soothing way about her. She always listened, was always there. And now she's not.

Family Chain

We little knew that morning,
God was going to call your name,
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.


Julie Q said...

Interesting about the Vicks. I can't imagine what good it would do, but if it works, why not do it?

Good luck with school today!

(((Big Hugs))) It is so hard after losing a loved one. It is wonderful you have such fond memories of your Aunt.

Anonymous said...

Christina, my heart goes out to you missing your Aunt Dawn. Not to be discouraging, but to inform you, my brother, Rex,(your uncle) died 45 years ago. He was 10, I was 13. I still miss him to this day. Have a hard time talking about him without crying. Although it seems contradictory, i don't hate/resent the emotion i feel. It keeps him close as i am sure you know what i mean.

One more comment about going to church. Please shop around. There are a few churches who do not give a holier than thou feeling. You'll just have to keep trying. When you find a good one it will be worth it and so very good for your family.

Love you,