Thursday, November 29, 2007

I don't want to grow up don't look like any fun. That's what Makenneh says. She has said it several different times. She said it again today. Just a few minutes ago. Part of me wants to laugh at her sentiment, but the other part of me feels sad that she thinks that way. She is very adamant about not growing up. She says she wants to stay "this big forever". I was surprised that she felt that way today, bc she was crying because her friend McKenzie said she didn't like her today. Makenneh was just heartbroken that McKenzie said that. And yet, she still thinks that it isn't any fun to grow up. Wow. I don't know what prompted McKenzie to say that today, but I'm sure it was far from the real truth. The girls play together at school and also after school. McKenzie lives a few doors down from us. Of course, I really think Makenneh gets along better with Johnny, McKenzie's brother. He is in Kindergarten. He is such a polite and well spoken little boy. When he first met me, he introduced himself and asked my name and is just so eloquent for a 5 yr old. He is the one who usually asks Makenneh to come over and play. They all play outside. Of course, it's getting too cold for all that. Today the wind is just downright bitter, yet they still wanted to play.

Makenneh has received her first Birthday party Invitation. Her classmate, Desiree, who also rides the bus and lives here in the park, is having a bday party on the 15th. Her mom told her she could invite 3 friends and she picked Makenneh as one of those. SO, when she was feeling sad about McKenzie, i reminded her that Desiree invited her to her bday party. It's so hard when their little hearts are broken, and we as parents know that it is just temporary. We know that tomorrow they will be friends again and all will be well. But, how can you convince them of this without making them feel that their heartbreak is insignificant...bc to them, it is anything but.

I feel a tad like Betty Crocker today. I made stuffed Manicotti for dinner. Admittedly, it's actually quite easy...but it's not as easy as say, Hamburger Helper. And hey, it sounds fancy, right? LOL. Jeremy got home and asked what I was making. I told him and at first, he didn't seem too enthralled. However, i went on to say, "how you could not like something that is nothing more than several different cheeses stuffed into a shell and topped with Spaghetti sauce is beyond me." And well, with the mention of cheese, his eyes lit up. LOL. My guys love their cheese. Jeremy adds cheese to just about everything. And Sebastian, he likes to eat cheese slices, shredded cheese, string cheese...cheese in any form. Cheese all by itself. It's a wonder i ever have to change a dirty diaper with all the cheese he eats.

Next week my project on English culture is due. I still have to type everything up and finalize everything we are going to talk about. I am trying to find some videos online that I can save to my flash drive and then take to school to show during our presentation. I also plan to put together a collage of pictures....of course, this is all under the condition that my damn printer works. I bought all the new ink cartridges, yet the thing still doesn't want to print. IT may be that the USB port it's plugged into isn't functioning properly, so i have to rule that out and then go from there. I want color photos for the collage, bc they just look better and are easier to see. Of course, I just had a great idea..i could do up little pamphlets on English culture and pass them out to the class at the start of our presentation. I plan to do the presentation in a "tour" type format. So, that would go along with the theme. Who knows, though. We are quickly running out of time and i have so much stuff to do with the end of the semester upon us. Only 3 weeks of class remaining.

Somewhere I need to find time to do some deep cleaning around here. The shower hasn't been scrubbed in forever and just all those little details that are easy to overlook and put off when you don't have time to tend to them. Then, everything is junk piled around here and i would love to unclutter and get ready for Christmas. I am thinking we are going to stay here at least until the end of the year, bc i want to put my tree up soon and get ready for the holidays. If i keep waiting on someone else to take care of their end first, well, i could be waiting til Christmas and beyond. So, i shall just call the shot and get things ready for the holidays around here. Not to mention, it would be far better to celebrate Christmas on our own, at our own home, by ourselves. I'm speaking of Christmas Eve and morning...we will be going to family functions throughout the month. But, being able to have our own tree and such would be nice.

Ok, kids are going crazy and I have to get ready to get to school...thankfully. makenneh is being whiney and Seb is into everything...ya know, the usual. LOL

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Ah, she will learn. Some parts of being grown up are fun. :)

And you are so right. They go from hating each other to loving each other.

Zachary has never been invited to a party. He is so shy. He has a friend this year, but I don't know if that boy will have a party. He really likes Z though. :)

How was dinner? I've never made that before. :)