Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beautiful weekend

Despite the fact that the forecast had called for rain starting Friday night, I have to say that the weekend was totally gorgeous. We have yet to see rain (although it's quickly approaching) and the temps were in the mid to upper 70s. Hard to remember that it's actually only spring.

Saturday, Jeremy took Makenneh fishing and they actually caught their first fish. Makenneh was so darn excited she had to come home to eat him. That girl ain't right. She leaned over the bucket telling the fish she was going to take him home and put him in the oven. Most kids, especially girls, get grossed out when they realize that cows are where we get our meat from. not this kid. She realizes where her food comes from and it doesn't bother her a bit. She says she wants to "grow cows so i can eat them" and "catch fishes so we can eat them." She stood right next to dad as this fish was scaled and filleted. Nothing squeamish about it to her. On one hand, im rather proud. Because I know I would have been running and squealing like a sissy. On the other hand, I said, maybe daddy is raising a sociopath. lol. I can see the interviews now......"Well it all started this one spring day when my dad took me fishing. We brought the fish home and I watched him scale and fillet the fish. I waited in anticipation of the moment I would get to eat this fish we had just caught....." LOL. And that's what happened. As soon as the fish was filleted, in the frying pan he went. I got the joys of cooking said stinky fish. Blah. Me and fresh fish don't get along so well. I have no problems going to a reputable restaurant and ordering fish and chips, when it is specified that said fish is cod, beer battered and deep fried. But, I cannot stomach the thought of eating fish in any other fashion. I just can't do it. Can't get past the thought, smell nor the sight. NO thank you. But, i cooked up this fish fillet (which they only got 2 pieces out of) and Makenneh and daddy sat at the table and ate it. They both loved it.
Last night we had some family over and had a bon fire. It was nice. That's one thing I love about the warmer weather. We made smores, had a few drinks and lots of laughs.

Today has mostly been spent cleaning, doing laundry....the unfun stuff. But, we did manage to clean out some of this computer room yesterday. It is so much more organized and roomier. My mom is a pack rat. she throws very little away. It gets crowded quick, fast and in a hurry. So, we did some reorganizing and cleared it up quite a bit. I can breath in here now and even swivel the desk chair. Imagine that!

Well, it's time to start dinner and seems how my parents aren't home yet, I can make something without consulting fat grams and sodium levels and such. So, I am making spaghetti! Haven't had it in quite awhile.

H0pe everyone has a great week!


Anonymous said...

where r they going fishing at?

what kind of fish?

so many questions lol

Julie Q said...

A bon fire sounds like fun! I think that is one of the main reasons I like to go camping! The food we can make in it and where else can you actually play with fire? :)

It was a beautiful weekend here too! And it is continuing through the week. I think it is safe to say, spring has arrived in Michigan. :) Yay!