Friday, April 25, 2008

What the....

snowballs? We have had lovely weather for the past week or so. 70s, even touching on 80 degrees. Beautiful sunshine, too. And then...the forecast for next week is talking about SNOW. Yes, snow. After this period of blissful, summer-like weather. I can't believe it. I guess we only need .2 inch to break our snowfall record (for the year, i believe) i suppose, it would be neat. But, i am done with cold and snow. I rather like my flip flops and no jackets. I hope that the forecast turns out to be wrong and we have another week of beautiful weather. Although, the lack of rainfall is making me a bit prices have jumped enough without a lack of rain causing more hardships for farmers. So, i will take rain. With warm temps. Thank you.

I'm getting used to this low fat cooking. Well, the low fat wasn't ever the problem, so much as the low sodium. That eliminates the prepared/packaged foods. I have been going through cookbooks and websites finding new things to make. So far, everything I have made has been met with rave reviews. Even from my husband who is a cholesterol/fat KING. The greasier, fattier, junkier, the better, in his eyes. OF course, he can't really afford to lose any weight...he is quite the bean pole as it is. But, it's still good to eat better. It won't kill him, that's for sure.

I am not looking forward to my spring/summer break from college. At least not too much. I am wondering what I will do with myself. I wish I would have been organized and on the ball so that I could have signed up (and had the funds). It won't happen again, that's for sure. LOL. I am slightly considering a PT summer job. I would like a place that would allow me to have a relatively set schedule though, because the bouncing all around different days/shifts really stresses me out. And I have doing so well with my depression/anxiety that I hate to stir that pot.

Nothing exciting really to report. The kids have been playing outside every day, pretty much all day. Life is just boring, settled and simple out here in the sticks. LOL. We have a graduation dinner tomorrow for Jeremy's brother and his cousin. They are both graduating from college with bachelors degrees. His brother is going to continue on to grad school and his cousin will be looking for work in her field. She is a little older than I am with 2 kids and upcoming she has been working already, but now she will be able to find a job in her chosen field that will pay more. The dinner is at Lucky's Steakhouse. Steak doesn't excite me in the least but they do have chicken Horrible, I know. but, I am not into steak. Most people think I'm crazy. Tomorrow, my sister is also having a bday get together for her step son. I won't be able to make it bc it's the same time as the dinner, but she said to send the kids with mom and dad. And tonight Makenneh asked to stay with my cousin Desiree, so that's the plan. My aunt should be here any time to pick the girls up. Sebastian is at my other uncle's house, so i will have no kids for a minute. LOL. I won't know what to do. Sebastian is just visiting though, so he will be home. But he goes to bed by 830 every night, so he will be out soon.

I am rambling. What's new. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!


Julie Q said...

Ah yes, the cold is returning. :) You are not shocked though are you? :) It is still April and we do live in Michigan. The good thing is, it will warm up quickly. And we aren't going back to winter coats...I hope! That is the one thing I put in my closet, my winter coat!

I hope you can find something to keep yourself busy this summer. It should go by quickly. It always seems to for me.

Amanda is very thin too. And at school she walks miles everyday. I always make sure she has fatty snacks to eat. Cookies, candy chips, anything so she doesn't get too skinny. Her problem is, she eats good. But I worry she will get too thin.

Leigh Ann said...


Enjoy your break. I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time! LOL.

Stay warm!