Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Five years

It's technically past midnight, but I don't count a day as over until I have gone to bed.

Five years ago today, at this moment, I was waiting to be transferred to my room after having had Makenneh. She was born at 10:31pm on April 14th, 2003. I cannot believe how fast time has flown. I held her today and asked her, "weren't you just a baby yesterday?" To which she replied, "NO, mom, I was 4!" LOL. Right, right. But, it sure seems like only yesterday. In some regards. At some times, it feels like it has taken a lifetime to get to this point.

She had a royal celebration this year. We did a combined bday party on Seb's bday, then she had her party for her friends yesterday at the pizza/game place and then today she took in cookies and such for her class. I am all birthdayed out. But she had a great time as did everyone who came to the party yesterday. Now, if only I could find how we freeze time. LOL. She is going to be off to college before I know it.

I have been so exhausted, I haven't been making it on the computer at all. Tonight I had to get some homework done. I got two papers done and so I think I deserve some fun time on here. Im currently uploading pics and as soon as I get it done, provided they all work, I will try to get them posted. I am not guaranteeing anything because my eyes are getting heavier by the minute. It has been a very long tiresome week and I am looking forward to a time when I can relax. I only have two more weeks of school and then Im done with this semester. I can't believe it. SEe, time just flies. The only bad thing is, I didn't sign up for spring or summer classes, so i have no idea what im going to do with myself. I might see about a part time summer job. But it will depend on a few other factors. Jeremy never heard back from the place he interviewed with last week. Bummer. He said he figured he wouldn't get it, just because he would sooo love to have it. Pessimistic or what?

As always, the end of the semester is hectic and full of last minute assignments to get done. My main focus now is studying for my psych test that is on thurs and also working on my philosophy paper. once those are done, it will be smooth sailing.

Well from the looks of it, my pics aren't going upload. I have no idea why not.

Anyway, hopefully i will back into blogging more often. It is therapeutic and i miss it.

WEll, everyone have a great night and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY GIRL!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Doesn't it go by fast!?

Happy 5th Birthday to your baby girl! I still think of Hanna as my baby girl. :)

I am keeping positive thoughts for Jeremy's job hunt!!