Wednesday, January 21, 2009


As I smack myself on the forehead. Our internet went down on Saturday. I called the ISP and there was an automated message while waiting for a representative. The message said that the DSL was down in the following states and listed MI. I hung up after hearing that because that would explain why we had no internet. Sunday came and went, so did Monday...still no internet. Would you believe that Tues came and went also with no internet? Well it did. Finally,t his morning, we called and come to find out, the reason we were without internet so long was because I had told Jeremy to close out the LAN connection and apparently that was the wrong that is what stopped it from working. We could have had a connection all this time. Anyway, I survived. I am back and trying to catch up.

Nothing overly exciting took place over the past few days. Such is my life. But, one monumental thing occured last Sunday and I forgot to post about it. Makenneh has been going to church with my parents every Sunday and almost every Wednesday. She has been doing this for several months or more now. Well, she attends Junior church there and I guess the lady who runs the Junior Church talked to Makenneh about Jesus and how He died on the cross to save us from our sins and that by accepting Jesus as our Savior, we are saved. She explained all this to Makenneh and asked her questions to see if she really understood that and the meaning of sin. Makenneh said she did. She then asked if Makenneh wanted to be saved and she said yes. So, Makenneh accepted Christ. I will be honest here...I am elated and a bit reserved at the same time. The reason I am reserved is because, in my mind, I am not 100% sure that she fully understands the whole concept of God/Jesus/Salvation. I think she gets some of it, but not sure, at her age and maturity, that she is ready to fully grasp it. My dad had mentioned that the next step is baptism, which is what we believe, in our faith. HOwever, I think I am going to hold off a little bit on that step, simply because when she does this, I want it to be because she knows Jesus in her heart, understands the meaning of Him dying on the cross and the road to salvation. I don'twant her to just go through motions because it seems like the next logical step for church. I want it to be her idea, her understanding. But, either way, I think it is great that she is learning about God and that she enjoys going to church. She does not like to miss a Sunday. This past weekend she stayed at her Gma Chris's and would only stay if she could still go to church, so my parents picked her up for church and dropped her back off afterward. Evenutally, I need to get myself there. But, I guess I have been a bit jaded, if you will, regarding the whole church thing. I was saved many many moons ago. Jesus lives in my heart. He is my Savior. I know that it is only through Him that I take each breath, wake each morning, and will eventually get to be reunited with my family members who have gone on before me. But, my realtionship with God doesn't seem to fit into the mold of most church politics. I could go on in length about this but suffice it to say that I find it difficult to sit through sermon after sermon amongst people who claim to be Christians and speak of the love of the Lord, yet are the very first ones to cast stones, point fingers, pass judgments and otherwise condemn. My understanding of God, my relationship with God doesn't require me to do that. In fact, my understanding of Him says that that type of behavior is the exact opposite of what He would want us to do. I am not here to condemn others to Hell, I am not here to judge others and their relationships with God. It just seems that churches, when organized together, preach, if only underlying messages, to do just those things. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that right now.

Next week I will have my first assignments due. We shall see how that goes. I feel like I am totally slacking. I haven't really read anything, done anything..just showed up for class, took notes, paid attention. I guess I go through this at the beginning of every semester, as I get a feel for the instructor and the class content.

Oh, I made the Dean's List again! I really don't feel that it's that great of an honor. I mean, it is, but seriously, if you show up and do half of what you're supposed to, you should be able to pull off a decent grade. And your cummulative grade only needs to be a 2.0, with a 3.5 for that particular semester in order to make the list. So, yes, it is an accomplishment, but print me a letter telling me about an honor for 4.0, with a cumulatiave gpa of 3.0 or higher or even 3.5 and higher. Then I will be more excited. LOL.

Probably not after this semester, because then I wouldn't make any such list. ;)

Shouldn't an instructor who is teaching stress managemnt courses be required to have great time management skills? She is going to teach us about personal management/time mgmt tomorrow and she is 10 plus mins late every class! Then, she has us spend 30 mins doing Yoga and 20 or 30 mins talking about things not pertaining to teh class...doesn't leave much time for instruction does it? Thankfully it's only an 8 wk course, so it will be over soon! It stresses me out! LOL


Nelson Family of 7 said...

I am sorry that you were without internet for so long but glad to have you back! That is so great to hear about Makenneh. Adrianna was saved and baptized when she was 6 and Michael was a little older than that! Justice says he is but like you I am waiting to make sure that he understands! Good luck with the classes and congrats on the Deans list!

Julie Q said...

Welcome back! :)

Congratulations on the Deans List. :) Always nice to get recognized for hard work. And I know you are trying so hard!! :) You keep going girl! I'm so proud of you!

You know your daughter best. :) If you think she should wait another year or two, then she probably should.