Tuesday, January 06, 2009


ady for an early night tonight! Hopefully the kids will be too!I hate the stuff. Bleach and I do not get along, period. Every. single. time. I. use. bleach. I have a mishap. Every time. Usually it's that I think, "Oh will just spray this here spot on the counter and wipe, should be no problem." It shouldn't be, right? WRONG! I will, inevitably get the bleach on my clothes. Especially true if the clothing is either A)new or B.)a favorite article of clothing. And I won't wear things with stains, even the smallest stain...outside the house. So, they are next to useless. Well, Makenneh had gotten a stain on her new shirt she got for Christmas. I grabbed the spray bottle to spray the stain (we don't do Shout or any of those stain removers....mom discovered long ago that all purpose cleaner works just as well, if not better...she can get a stain out of anything). Anway, you can probably see where this may be going. The bottle was pretty much empty. it was some kind of Oxy cleaner (knock-off brand, because really, it works just as well). Well, unbeknownst to me, my mom had used the bottle last, and figuring it was good as gone, didn't pay attention when she put they sprayer back on, figuring it would just go in the trash. Before it could make it to the trash, I come along and think, oh i can use this on her shirt. Spray. spray, spray...oooooh shit! what is that bleach smell. I grab the bottle, read the contents again...no bleach in this cleaner, so wth!? And in the few seconds all this is going thru my head the spot I had sprayed was turning brown. MOOOOMMMMM!!!!! Did you put bleach in this spray bottle?!!!!!?!??!!? That's when she told me what she had done with the spray nozzle. I wanted to cry. I was mad. mad at me, mad at her, mad at the world. I do not have money to be ruining clothes like that. The kid wore it to school one day and it had to go in the trash. It was a spot right in the front, center. No way to even hide it. I. Hate. Bleach.

On a good note, I went through my new school books, got them organized and ready to go, got my notebooks out and now I just need to get some folders. They are around here somewhere, just have to find them.

i tried taking back my one last book from last semester, to sell back and after driving all the way out there, was told that those two books are overstocked. So, i couldn't sell them back. I plan to list them on myspace, under the college section. I hope to be able to sell it that way, because frankly, we could very much so use the money. I can sell it for less than the school store, and probably more than what they would have given me for a buy-back...so a good deal for buyer and seller. But, i will really take whatever I can get for it. It serves me no purpose hanging around here, in the way. We don't have room for storing things that aren't needed at the moment.

And now, just like that, im off to finish my rounds here. I think I am ready for an early night..hopefully the kids are too..


Anonymous said...

i think next time u will smell or read whats in the bottle lol i cant help it i think its happen to everyone once in there life. oh and put ur school books on e bay my brother did that and they all sold and he got more than what u think just a idea for ya

Julie Q said...

Good luck with the books!! Such a costly thing for college students. Hanna is still waiting for her pell grant money for this semester. Hopefully it will come soon!

Bummer about the bleach. :( I usually only ruin my clothes with it when I use it in the bathroom. And I don't have a lot of clothes either.

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Oh Christina-I am sorry that Makenneh's shirt got ruined! That stinks-especially when money doesn't grow on trees-my kids think it does!!! We had so much fun with you guys when we went out that day! I am glad that we were able to get together!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Thanks for the ideas with Kiersten-it is just Kiersten! The problem is that Kayleigh refuses to use the little potty chair. We figured out early on that the reason we were having trouble getting her to use the toliet was because she only wanted to use the big one! I got an idea from someone on babyzone tonight that I am going to try to do tomorrow. She thinks that maybe Kiersten does it that way because she can get it herself so I am going to get a Dora bucket or something and fill it with water in the kitchen and put a cup by it. Then she can get water for herself out of there. It will probably be messy for awhile but worth it!