Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What was I thinking?

I set my schedule so that I have 3 classes back to back on Tues and Thurs. I thought it would be better all the way around. Less trips to the campus, being the main attraction. Less parking hassles too. Well, yesterday I started and on my way home, I thought, I don't know about this schedule. I realized that if i get homework in a couple of my classes on tues that is due thurs, it could make for a rough wednesday full of homework. But, I don't think I will have to worry about it too much. My first class is Practicum and in there we are going to learn the agency standards for record keeping and interview skills. It's a more hands on kind of class. My second class is Community Development and we learn about organizing and grants and all that sort of thing. Then the last class is Stress Management. I was unhappy to learn that we hve to bring an exercize mat to class for relaxation exercizes. The exercizes don't bother's the whole having to cart a mat aroun d to my other two classes. I have no time to run back to my car before that class. Jeremy suggested I drop the mat off in the classroom before heading to my first class of the day. THat may work, but the classrooms are used by different teachers all day. And often they are locked. But, we can try it.That class sounds like it will be tests and minimal homework.

Today I go for my agency experience class. That's at 2. then tonight i have to attend an orientation for my computer class.

I am freezing. It is soooo cold right now. Last night it got down to -19* at the local airport. Too cold for my comfort, I tell ya.

Well, i just can't even think of anything more to say. I can only think about how cold my fingers and toes are. LOL. Have a great day and keep warm!


Julie Q said...

So cold! Supposed to be colder tonight! :(

Good luck with the three classes. I hope dropping the mat off works.

My head is spinning over my girls college classes! One more year for Amanda! Yeah! :)

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Wow-sounds like a busy time but I know that you can do it. SO what about your internship? Do you know where you will be working yet? Hope you have a great weekend!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Sorry to hear that your dad is laid off too! Doug is going to be looking for jobs all over and here is definitely up there on the list. He also really likes South Carolina but it looks like Iowa is the top because of a job that he can possibly get there. I am crossing my fingers that it is here or SC though!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Our temps were single digits too but not that cold of windchill! It is actually starting to get warmer as the day has gone on. It is 6:30pm and 30 degrees! The electricity went out one more time while I was grocery shopping. Jon called me and told me and I was afraid that I was buying all the food for nothing but then I decided if the electricity stayed off then I could just put the food outside and it would be fine-or even just on the kitchen table and cubboard-lol!!! It looks like it is on to stay now-at least I hope!