Sunday, January 25, 2009

Where is Spring?

I am over winter. Ready for it to be gone. Anyone else?

I had a relaxing weekend. We went to my aunt and uncle's on Friday, with the plan to stay a night to give everyone here a from them, them from us. Well, my cousins were going to their grandma's and asked if the kids could go, too. So, my kids ended up staying with them for the weekend. They love it over there because she spoils them and they have a great time. So, we had an expected break this weekend. We ended up staying at my aunt and uncle's all weekend. I have to admit that on the way home, the anxiety began to creep up again. I hate that. But, all was pretty much well for today.

For some darn reason, my fingers don't want to work right tonight. I have to keep deleting typos. Probably bc my fingers are too cold.

We may be able to get our own place soon. There was a 3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home for sale for very cheap. It does need a little bit of work, but it's pretty nice and the lot rent would be reasonable. Can't get a 3 bdrm anythng for that price. I won't get too excited yet, because the timing is really off by a couple weeks. I have to play the wait and see game. My uncle just got some more jobs (one is quite large) and so they have work lined up for a bit. My uncle also went down and applied for his business license and opened a business account at the bank. He spoke with the guy he contracts for and there is a possibility that in the near future, several of the other contractors will be retiring and my uncle was asked if he would want to take over those accounts as well. So, that would be pretty steady work. I am hoping and praying that things work out at least until some jobs open up around here. So many places are closing down, laying off or just plain cutting back hours that jobs are quite scarce. So, I am grateful for this opportunity and hope it works out.

Well, I am off to finish my rounds and head to bed...keep warm and have a great night


Nelson Family of 7 said...

I am ready for winter to be done too and I live in North Carolina where it isn't even as cold as Michigan! Glad that you had a great weekend and that the kids had so much fun! Still praying that you can get a new place and that Jeremy can continue to have steady work! Hang in there-I have a feeling that things are going to work out for you guys!

Julie Q said...

It is so cold! And we are getting more snow tonight! :(

Good luck finding a place to live! I can't imagine the tension of living with your parents. Not that yours are bad, but I still, it's parents. ;)

I hope the jobs continue to poor in for your uncle! That is great news!