Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cooler temps

I have my brother's car for the moment and we are at my sis's again. So, thought I would take this time to post again! It is helpful having a car to at least get out of the house. I hate to see the car go...I am hoping we can get our fixed soon, but hope isn't quite enough these days. I finally started reading The Ragamuffin Gospel that my dad got me for Mother's day! I figure now is a good time to read of God's unconditional love and grace!

The temps are only in the upper 70's today. Much better than the mid 90s of a few days ago. It is actually comfortable outside now. And, i can sleep at night. Not last night, but the night before,i was so hot and sweaty that i couldn't sleep.

Well, i guess that's it for now....i may post again later.


Julie Q said...

It does feel much better today. :)

Glad to hear from you! I surely miss you on here!! We just might have to meet in person one day.

We will be home for the 4th. Ken can't get any days around it off. So bummed. At least we can spend it together I guess.

Julie Q said...

I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you today. It's going to be so warm today and tomorrow! Try and keep cool with the little ones.

Julie Q said...

Yes, I'm still peeking in on you daily. :) Hope all is well Christina. :)