Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A couple Pics, thanks to Julie!

Thank you Julie for telling me about emailing my pictures from my phone to my email box! Ahh, technology is so lovely (of course, it comes at a cost..and i will find out what that is come bill time..lol).

Anyway, here are two pics from Makenneh's end of the year field trip.

This is a picture from inside the train car. Makenneh sat with 2 of her friends, Estrella (in the middle, and Rachelle, by the window, can't really see her as well.) It was hard to get a pic of all 3 girls looking at the camera....lol. they were too excited!

This is a pic of makenneh on the kiddie horse/carriage type ride. She liked it more than this picture depicts.
I have more pictures i need to email myself, but it's a process, bc i have to type in my email addy and im slow at texting.

Makenneh's teacher stopped by yesterday morning to drop off her end of the year folder. Inside was all kinds of things...pictures taken throughout the year, including a pic of makenneh and daddy from kite nite, papers to work on throughout the summer, means for her to practice writing her name. It was so neat.

I woke up with a headache this morning..i felt like i had been hit by a Mack truck! I felt worse this morning than i did sunday morning after a night of drinking! Bleh! Hopefully i start feeling better soon. I would like to clean heavy duty around here, seems how i can't be distracted by a car sitting out front just screaming out to me to drive somewhere, anywhere! LOL.

Bunco is tonight. I can't wait. It was supposed to be next tues (we usually play the 2nd tues of the month) but the person hosting this month has her granddaughters' dance recital next tues. I am not complaining. Hopefully i do good again this month. Last month i got 1st place! Go me. Usually i get nothing.

It's chilly outside today and i haven't seen the sun yet. I had to shut all the windows and im still cold. I refuse to turn the furnace on. I can't believe that just last week it was around 90. And I think i got a cold from the weekend. Hanging out in the rain and being out all night, drinking, all that jazz..i think i caught a cold. But it was fun, for the most part. minus the part where a brawl, for lack of better word, broke out. It's always bound to happen if mark is drinking. Ppl who cannot handle their alcohol shouldn't drink it. I hate that ppl have to ruin the fun bc they have to start shit. I am a happy drinker. And I don't drink often. When i do, i hate to have the fun ruined by idiots.

and that brings me to this request...please pray for my uncle mark that he can resolve all the anger he has inside. he is such an angry person and it's just awful. He has been downright hateful towards his wife and kids more than he has been nice. I am quite sure more goes on than any of us will ever know and my heart absolutely breaks for those girls. They shouldn't have to live like that. Missy has a choice. she is an adult and she chooses to put up with his crap. Those girls don't get a choice. ~what's ahead, in blue, is the incident that happened saturday, summarized. Feel free to skip if you want. it's full of drama, to say the least.~
Saturday night, i lost any and all respect for her. She makes excuses for his behavior and she continues to place those girls in harms way by making them go home to him when he is in a drunken tyrade. NO mother should ever place their kids in harm's way. it's a mother's duty to protect her children and any cost. And it would be a cold day in hell before i would allow my husband/their dad to treat my kids the way mark treats those girls. the whole mess saturday started when he came up to markie and was poking at her. she asked him to stop. she was already upset with him bc he was drunk, acting a fool, flirting excessively with the young (18ish yr olds) girls there, disrespecting missy, yelling at her, etc. So markie didn't want him around her to begin with. sHe is old enough to see what he does. Well, after asking him several times, nicely, but firmly, to leave her alone and even saying, please, he kept up. So, to try to prevent a blow up, i put my arm around markie and told her it was ok to calm down. tHen i reached down and tickled her leg. This made her laugh. she leaned down on the bench laughing and i bent over and said something funny to her to keep her laughing. Well, mark assumed she was crying and jumped her saying, "what the hell are you crying for? blah blah" in a very mean tone. So markie got up and walked to the other end of the park. Mark followed right on her heels. She no sooner reached the other end and we hear screams. My blood boiled and i was filled with fear. Well, jeremy, mis and a couple others ran down there and by the time i got down there, there was a scene. I guess mark started yelling at markie and telling her that all of his marriage problems and all the family problems are markie's fault. Yep, she chose to be brought into this world, just to ruin his life. Sorry but its not her fault that he is a drunk, a womanizer, disrespectful, etc. Well, he kept saying these hurtful things to markie and our 17 yo cousin was nearby. He tried to get mark to stop and he wouldn't. Corey started in on mark and then i guess when he went to walk away, mark punched him in the back of the head, 3 times. by this time, my brother (who is a huge ox) tries to break things up. Mark started swinging at matt, so matt took him down and told him to just get the hell out of there. Mark was a freakin live wire. In the course of all the action, he managed to bite his brother, ken, kick my brother in the privates, choke my 16 yo cousin, kenny plus kicked him in the privates (left kenny hyperventilating btwn being choked and kicked in the privates). It was a mess. But, after we got mark out of there, all was well again. The girls were originally going to stay overnight in the camper with me, jeremy, matt and sara. Well, mark made missy come back to get the girls. They didn't want to go and we tried to talk missy into letting them stay. We were afraid of what mark would do when they got there..esp to markie. But, she kept making excuses and saying he wouldn't do anything to them, that she would hurt him, blah blah blah. The fact that you even have to consider that should speak volumes. Matt had a long talk with her how those girls deserve better than that and that while she has a choice to stay and put up with it, those girls don't. I think it mostly fell on deaf ears. Hopefully though, in the quiet of the night or something, she thinks about what he said. The good thing is, both girls have been talking to the school counselor. So, at least they have a trusted adult to confide in and talk to and get some help from. Even allana, who is only 11 yrs old, told carrie that he is just so full of anger. It's sad that his young daughter is able to notice this. but it's not really hard to see.

Well, that's it for now. I have to get cleaning. have a great day and i hope some of you are at least having some sun...it's cold and dreary here!


Julie Q said...

You are welcome! I think my sister pays .25 a photo, so don't email too many. .25 can add up after a time. :)

Sorry to hear about the family drama. So sad. :(

mom to three great kids said...

Wow, that was some brawl!

Sorry you had to witness it, as you know, i divorced my husband exactly for that reason, he didn't drink, but the anger my boys witnessed in his presence was too much for me to just sit back and do nothing. Today, when they go see their dad, he is much more relaxed, doesn't have to discipline them ..they just have a good time.I can even say they have a much better relationship with him because i left...Those girls are lucky to have you care about what happens to them....I hope they'll be ok....