Thursday, February 05, 2009

100th Day

Tomorrow is Makenneh's 100th day of school. They are doing some activities around the 100 theme. Then, next Thursday is their Valentine's Party and Friday is no school. Geesh, it seems school has become a giant holiday. All these days off and celebrations. LOL.

I shall sleep great tonight, or at least, I hope to. We got a new (to us) mattress/boxspring. My aunt's friend was getting rid of it and it is a $2k set. She didn't want to just throw it out because it is in excellent condition. So, we now have it. Jeremy was so excited to be able to throw our old crap out. It was so wretched and pathetic. The woman even sent the sheet sets with it. They are white..and not a hint of use to them. Perfect shape. I can't believe it. Because I just know what is going to happen to them in my bed. Kids, kids, kids. And probably adults too. Truth be told. But for now, it is all crisp and clean and comfy.

I got my 2nd paper back in my Practicum class and I got an A and the teacher even wrote Excellent on it. I was happy because I did struggle with the problem list/treatment plan. I guess I knew what I doing after all.

Oh and about beds....last night Sebastian crawled into bed with us. Not a totally unusual occurance. Well, he was on top of the blankets and I rolled over to reach for his blanket and get comfy. He sounded like he was coughing a bit, but nothing major. I didn't think anything of it until Jeremy says, frantically, "HE'S PUKING". Sure enough. the little guy was throwing up , right in our bed. He started crying and I think it was more because Jeremy startled him. We both told him it was ok and we got up with him. That was around 1:30am. We had to clean him up, change our bedding and all that good stuff. JEremy made himself a pot of coffee and figured he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I brought Seb back into our bed and tried getting him to go back to sleep but every time I would start to doze off, he would say he had to puke. And the lined bucket I brought in and sat next to the bed just wouldn't do, no. He had to go to the bathroom, stick his entire head in the toilet bowl and wait. And wait. And he didn't puke again. We would go back to bed, i would start to doze and the cycle continued a few times. Finally, I asked Jeremy to tend to him so I could get some sleep, knowing I had a test today. The funny this was, right after we got him cleaned up and the bedding changed, my parents both woke up because their bed broke on them. So, at like 2am, the entire household, save Makenneh, was up. I was finally able to go back to sleep at around 3am. By that time, Makenneh had woke up and she ended up climbing in bed with me. Seb stayed out on the couch with my mom. And he did end up throwing up one more time after I fell asleep. When He woke up this morning, he ws fine and has been fine all day. I don't know if that was just the beginning of something or just a quick bug.

And Makenneh isn't exempt from cooties, either. She has a helacious cough. Omy. I've been putting the Vicks on her feet at night, as that does help so much with the coughing.

Well, I am going to get off here and finish my rounds so I can get to bed. I need to do two things at the computer lab and put some intern hours in. GAh, I can only be one place at one time. I think I am going to go to the senior center and I can hopefully steal a few hours away to work on the computer. Or, I could go to the computer lab for a bit and then go to the senior center. That's probably a better idea as the lab closes at 2 anyway. Center is open til 6. Or at least, the social worker is in til then.

Keep warm and if I don't post again tomorrow..have a great weekend

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Poor Seb! :( The flu we had here, most of them only puked once. Then the diarreah lasted days beyond. Ugh! Anyway, I hope he is feeling better!

So glad you got a newer bed! :) I love a new bed.

Oh and I read your M things too. I love Michigan too. The different seasons, the beautiful Great Lakes. I hope things get better for everyone here.