Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Letter M

I know I just finished posting but I had to do this. Stacy posted a top ten list of things she loves with a letter that was given to her by a friend and she gave me a letter. I am posting my top 10 things that start with the letter M. This will be somewhat thought provoking, Im afraid. LOL

1. Easy enough..the very first thing that comes to mind...something I love that starts with the letter M. Makenneh. She can be a very trying child, but she is also a very sweet girl and I am so proud of her. When I look at her, my heart literally skips beats and runs over with love and pride. She is mine. I made her. Ok, with maybe a little teeny help from daddy!

2. My boy. Hahaha, that might be a little cheating. But, I can't make a list of things I love and not include my buddy. Sebastian was not planned and I recall the day I found out i was pg. I sobbed. I was in no way ready for a 2nd child. Funny thing is, I cannot imagine my life without him. He makes my day when he hugs me and pats my back or when he says, "I luv you mom". And his laugh is the greatest...right from the bottom of his little belly.

3. Mom and dad. Another cheat, i My parents raised us with love and stability and sacraficed so much of themselves. I have learned a lot from them...some things they have directly taught me and other things I have learned from watching them or seeing their mistakes.

4. Marriage. Or I should say, my marriage. I have learned a lot...that it's like a garden. It's not enough to plant the seed. If you don't tend it, it will die. You have to keep working at it. And as you put your best into it, it grows, and blossoms and is very rewarding.

5. May. Something about the month just bring happiness to my heart. My maternal grandma was born in May and she was a ray of light. The flowers bloom and spring is here and everything is beautiful. I always wanted a May baby. I have to settle for a May sister is due May 1st.

6. Movies. It's a cheap form of entertainment. You can snuggle up with those you love and watch them. No scary ones, though, thank you.

7. Myself. I have come a long ways and still have a ways to go. But, I can honestly say that I love myself.

8. Memories. They keep ones you have lost close at heart and also give you things to smile about when your days are dark.

9. Michigan. Ok, so maybe I don't love it, love it. But it is home. I have lived her my whole life and my roots are here. Doesn't mean I can pull them up and move on, though. LOL.

10. Money. I don't love money in a bad sense. But, I love to have enough money to make ends meet. It is not the most important thing to have in life, but it just makes life a tad bit easier. That's why it is last on my list.

OK, now it really is bed time. if anyone would like a letter to do their own list, let me know. I will give you your very own letter for your very own list!

1 comment:

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Great Job Christina! I gave you M because of Makenneh-I figured at least you could get one easy one! I love what you wrote about marriage-that is so so true! I am sorry that Sebastian was sick and I hope that no one else gets it! Congrats on the new bed-glad he did that before you got it! Good luck getting all your work done and have a great weekend!