Wednesday, February 11, 2009

At the Senior Center

I am sitting at the Senior Center, mildly stressed out. I gave Ruben, my boss, the placement agreement form back when i came in for the first on the 2nd of feb. He has had it since. It was due in the teacher's mailbox at his office by noon. Ruben tried faxing it and it was the wrong number, so i had to look it up. Now, he is in a meeting with a client, so I am stuck here, waiting, stressing. I don't want my grade effected by something soooo not my fault. I emailed the teacher to explain what happened in hope he won't dock any points.

Anyway, I also can't do much of anything else until he is done in that meeting because the applications I would need for the medicare program are in there, my bookbag is in there....and I have already finished up my work that I was doing. My pop is in there too.....waaaaahhh wahh. LOL> I need to give that stuff up anyway.

Well, I feel guilty posting from here, so I am gonna go. Although there isn't much else I can do right now. take care.

Oh was very warm yesterday...60*. Today is supposed to be 57*. Then, snow. Today we may get severe thunderstorms. Crazy weather.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Ah Michigan. Gotta love the weather!

I hope the teacher understands. They usually do in these situations. :)