Friday, February 20, 2009

Doh! Stacy reminded me....

That I never posted about Sebastian's visit to the doc. Sorry for keeping you in suspense. The doctor said that it seems to be an inclusion cyst which is just to say that he had gotten something in there at some point and the foreign body never worked itself out, causing the cyst to grow. He said we could remove it but that would involve putting him under and then risking the possibility that the scar tissue would cause him more problems down the road or we could do a wait and see approach, seems how it doesn't bother him unless we grown ups are making a fuss about it. It doesn't cause a limp, it doesn't hurt and he doesn't even realize it's there until we start rubbing and poking and such. He did get some measurements and wants me to bring him back in 8 weeks for a recheck. But, you can visibly see where the foot was cut (like sliver or something sharp). So, the inclusion cyst makes sense. And we are just gonna wait and see how it goes.

I forgot to post all that because I have been so miserable. The kids have all taken turns keeping me up late (and all) night with diarrhea and vomiting, then I took my own turn with it. Only, on top of that, I have a nasty cough that has left me with painful ribs. I have coughed so much, my sides hurt. I also now have the whole allergy thing going on...itchy watery eyes, itchy running nose. I look and feel a mess. The stomach bug part seems to have passed, thankfully. I am sure I will have the cough for usually lingers.

Soooo, my dad continues to complain about my cats. We only had the one when we moved in. She had the two kittens and well, we fell in love with them. He even likes the one if he would admit it. Actually, he kinda has. But,anyway, he has felt extra grumpy lately and needs something to bitch about, so the cats were it. Jeremy is sick of hearing the bitching, so he wanted me to take the cats to the humane society today. I stalled on it because, frankly, I don't want to get rid of them. I almost feel like taking my cats and sleeping out in my car to shut him up. So, that has had me very upset and crying the last two days.

Well, dinner will be ready soon so I am off here.....


Julie Q said...

Love the new picture Christina! :) Very cute.

Glad Seb's foot seems to be ok for now. I'm glad the doctor is watching it too.

Sorry to hear about your Dad and the cats. :(

I hope you feel better soon! Isn't it awful this year with the germs and allergies? I'm tired of it all. :(

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Glad that it is something that can just be watched and I hope that it does go away on it's own! I will keep praying that it does. I hope that you call get better quickly! WE are still dealing with the colds here to---I can't wait for the weather to just get warm and stay that way! Hope that your dad will be better about the cats so you don't have to get rid of them! Big Hugs and thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

about your dad and the cats, i offer 2 suggestions. Pick your moment and have a heart to heart with him, let him know you understand that he doesn't want cats in the house, let him know that you appreciate being able to stay with them, let him know that as soon as feasibly possible you want your own place. (Well, that is really only one suggestion)
Second, call the humane society, find a source, get the cats you have fixed or spayed so there will be no more kitties.

Hope you feel better sooner. Don't suppose - ah, never mind, was going to make a ciggarette comment