Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm still here!

But it's been busy and my computer is now infected with spyware and viruses. Ugh. So, I don't get online more than necessary for homework. But, Julie emailed wanting to know about the car part and realized I hadn't updated since then.

The car part worked, but it was missing the relay switch, so we have to get that part and hew as unable to find it. However, the car is running just fine, as with the cold weather, we shouldn't even need the radiator fan at all. The main problem, as they discovered, was a leak, which has been fixed and he also added some sealant stuff to the antifreeze which helps to seal up any leaks in the lines and such. So, for now, we are good to go. I am still hesitant to drive the car any real distance, but it gets me back and forth to school and stores, etc. Things needed for daily existence.

My jewelry party is tonight. I have to go to the store to get some snacks to serve tonight. I don't think the party is going to turn out that well, i mean, people are broke and who can spare the money to order jewelry. But, Carrie needed a 2nd booking and I was the lucky duck! Now, I have to try to get 2 bookings, myself. I'm not gonna stress about it.

I got 100% on my Human Sexuality test. I am sooo excited about that. That means, I keep a 100% in the class so far! I have a test on Thurs in Psych. I have 2 study sheets I have to to go through and do and we can use those on the test because she has had to combine several chapters in a test bc we had lost so many days with weather. I also have a paper to write for my philosophy of Ethics. It was actually due last night, but i had missed last week (that's when the car died) and my dumb ass never thought to check the syllabus bc all we have done in that class is write notes from his 3 hours of lectures..i figured that's all it would be. But, the teacher was kind enough to let me turn it in next week. Thankfully! That class is graded as follows: 25% on attendance (can only miss 2 days before it drops ur grade), 25% on class assignments, 25% on paper one and 25% on paper two. So, as you can see, no room for error in this class. The bright side, no tests on this abundance of knowledge we receive each week....like 10 pages of notes per class. And the text book doesn't do much help at all. to be honest, I haven't even read more than a page or two.

Today is my *forced* volunteer day for the month. most of you know how I feel about this. I have no problem with volunteering but I hate the fact that the teacher assigns days and we are to show. Well, if we can't, it isn't a huge deal, but the way they set it up sure makes it a big deal to the kids. I struggled with how to handle it today. I have massive amounts of homework and studying to do and that jewelry party tonight (which was booked last month, before I was aware of which day would be my volunteer day). So, here I am....not going to volunteer day. Makenneh didn't ask whose special day it was today so I don't think she realizes yet. She will once she gets to school and this is where knots form in my gut. I know she is going to be upset that I am not going. That's what I hate even more about the assigned days to volunteer. They play on our guilt by making it the child's special day. I know I have complained about this before, but i have some new readers (one, at least). So anyway, it seems to say to the child that they aren't in fact special if mommy or daddy or someone on their behalf doesn't show up to "volunteer". Grrr. I usually ask makenneh if so and so's mommy came in on their special day, to get a feel. it does seem that several times, parents don't make it in. I will do something special for her tonight to make up for it. Gosh, being a parent can be so hard.

Well, I need to get to the store. Get on with my day. It's snowing to beat the band again today. I don't think Spring will ever arrive. I am more than ready to be done with snow and cold. Bring on the jackets and let me put away my darn winter gear.

Keep warm and have a great day!

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

The good news is that daylight is longer so we have "longer" days. Spring will be here soon! Not as soon as we want it, but that's MI for you!

The forced volunteer day sounds like fun! lol. I've never heard of it done this way, it usually is all volunteer, isn't it? Weird. Did she get upset that you weren't there?

Yay on the car running! and Yay on your grades! You are doing SO well! I'm so proud of you. Good for you for going back. God has great things in store for you and your family's future!