Monday, February 11, 2008

Time for lemonade

Life deals lemons...

After getting Makenneh off the bus today, I pull into our parking spot and shut car off...only to see the steam rolling out from under the hood. I knew it wasn't good. I got out and came around to passenger side to get Sebastian out of his car seat and as I reached the front of car, I saw all the beautiful green liquid spewed all over. In fact, it was then that I noticed the lovely trail of green stuff in the snow, down the road. Just like Hansel and Gretel leaving a trail. Ugh. I called my dad, who gave me hope that it may have to do with a leak...bc he had noticed a puddle of the antifreeze at his house. Jeremy got home and after looking it all over and talking to my dad on the phone in that foreign language of car mechanics, he decided it might be the thermostat. Took that out (mind you it is frigid cold out today) and tested it only to find that is working properly. Of course it is. IT would have been a cheap and relatively easy fix. So, he surrendered for the evening, because it is just far too cold. Tomorrow he has to tackle a couple more options. He did notice that the coolant fan isn't working. So that could be it. So, btwn my parents and us, we are down to well, an old, beat up truck...that's as old as Jeremy and rigged all over. So basically, no vehicle. Pooey. I had to miss class tonight. Hopefully it can be fixed in time for me to go to class Wednesday. Wed afternoon I have a test. Which I need to be studying for.

Oh and the chart just doesn't seem to phase Makenneh. I am serious when I say my kids just aren't like regular kids. I have pepped the chart up, make a big deal about it and the prizes to be had and all that hoopla. Here she is, in my hear, flapping her jaw still at 10pm. The main thing I wanted for her this week was to be in bed at 9. I get frustrated when she stays up late. I want time for myself and time to unwind. I get short and cranky. Then I feel bad. So, i just filled her chart in, only she missed a few marks today....soooo, already, on Monday (chart starts on Sun) she is off to a bad start. Suggestions, I'll take them. I have two strong-willed children who keep me at or near my wits' end. I have tried most of the common suggestions only to have them backfire in some way or just not be effective. She can be so defiant that I often find myself negotiating with her and that pisses me off to no end. I am the parent, she the child. There shouldn't be room for negotiating (aka, begging, pleading). A swat would get things moving. However, when she is being a brat when it's time to leave her friend's house, well, a swat may not be best. So, there i squatted, nearly begging her to get her coat on and come home. WTF. I wanted to grab her up and take it her out, kicking and screaming. However, the friend's gma was on phone to phone not a time nor place to cause a loud scene. So, i finally coaxed her to come home (pathetic, eh) and she was sent to her room. She is also not allowed over there for awhile. Every single time I allow her to do something fun like that, she is a bear to get home or something of that nature. IT makes me not want to do anything fun/nice with/for her. Get out crafts to do something fun...she doesn't want to clean up when it's time to clean up, she wants more materials than what we have out, she wants this or she wont she do that. Pbbt! NO fun. Better to just skip it all together.

But, don't get me wrong. This cherub like little girl does bring joy along with the hell. She can be the most loving and sweet thing. She usually seems to say the right thing just when I need it the most. She also has the ability to entertain...make you laugh til you cry or make your heart simply melt. She is forever making up new songs or dances and loves to have an audience watch her performances of such things. She also loves to tell silly jokes. So, it's not all misery, by no means. Just test of the patience and sanity. Insanity is inherited ..... from your children. I am sure of it! And before i could even finish that paragraph, she was out like a light. Just poof, sleeping. Whew!

Tomorrow night is Bunco. I really look forward to this every month (mostly) except when there is drama involved. I suppose it is a bit much to ask to have 12 women together once every month and not have some sort of drama. But things have been smoothing out, lately. Of course, we have about 4 spots we need to fill. At the beginning of the year, I type up a sheet with the rules and gentle reminders, bc these ladies tend to forget that this only happens once a month, it's voluntary and therefore, if you don't want to be there or if you have better things to do or if your social life is otherwise too full, please don't come. I don't get why anyone wouldn't be able to be free of cell phones and drama for a few hours a month. It's beyond me. Put the damn phones on vibrate and only answer if it's an emergency. And your hubby or kids calling to see when you will be home IS NOT AN EMERGENCY. You tell them before you leave that it won't be over until about 9 or 10 and don't expect me home until 20 mins or so after that. There. Don't call unless it's an emergency. Thankfully, my hubby can handle the fort for a few hours. I guess he is one of a rare breed. LOL.

Boy, ive been long-winded lately. Lots to say. Mostly, im finding that some things have to come out and this is about the safest place for them to erupt.

Oh i have to brag! Got my first paper back in Human Sexuality. got 100%! I am so proud of me. He even wrote comments like, "great intro" "great point" etc. And I also have gotten all points possible on the in class assignments meaning my grade in there right now is a 4.0. Go me! Haven't really had any assignments in any other classes. Of course, we have had so many snow days that it's crazy.

I was roped into hosting a jewelry party for my sister. She had one and if she had 2 ppl bring guest lists to the party, she got extra hostess credit. I couldn't say no. So, my party is the 19th. The sad thing is, I don't even care about "accessorizing". My extent of jewelry is my wedding and engagement rings, the ring handed down to me from my gma and the cheap lil ring that came in a set from Walmart I had gotten Makenneh. She wanted me to have one and I picked the silver one. It's just a band. Strangely enough, ive worn it for about a year and it has not tarnished or turned my finger green or anything. I did find some pieces in the book that I like, but most of it is just too expensive imo. It's "high end" fashion jewelry, so it's not fine jewelry. I can get stuff at Walmart, Claires, wherever for a fraction of the price. And really, I just don't get into matching all my accessories. I have a pair of tennis shoes, a couple pair of chunky heel shoes and a pair of boots and a pair of those now in style flats. Almost all shoes are in black. I have no collection of purses. I buy a brown or black one and use it for all purposes. LOL. The only advantage is that it comes with a lifetime replacement. Great. But really, even if i paid 7.00 at walmart and had to rebuy it 3 or 4 times, I would still be ahead of the game. LOL.

So, my mother in law's bday was yesterday. I told Jeremy numerous times to call her. He never did. I must admit to a tiny shred of guilt. But, I put the ball in his court, he dropped it. I guess I should've at least had the kids call and wish her a happy bday. I just don't want to talk to the woman. The very thought of her makes me want to puke. She hasn't attempted any contact at all since Christmas Eve. Of course, that goes both ways, i suppose. But, we have no desire to talk to her. I do have a gift for her. I bought it after Christmas, on clearance. I guess if we don't see her, i will save it for something else. It's just a giftset thing. Grr..i accidentally hit Ctrl and I and so i got italics and they won't come off. OH well. I guess this section will just appear more important. Hmmm..why does it do that on here? Any time italics are engaged, they never go away.

Anyway, i guess i wrap it up. bc it's bugging me. Geesh, i need a vacation or something...everything is bugging me these days.


Julie Q said...

Whatever happened to the car, I'm sure it's from the cold weather! Green stuff? Radiator fluid? Could the radiator have cracked in the cold? I'm no mechanic, but...
Oh and I feel your pain of having to have Jeremy work on the car in the cold! And it's cold again today. :( If it is the radiator, maybe a junk yard has one? We used to get cheap parts at the junk yards when we had no money.

Sorry to hear she doesn't care about filling in the chart. I'd take some tips from the Nanny. Put her to bed. If she gets up, put her back to bed. Until she gets into the routine, I'd turn off all the lights (Within reason of course, if she likes a night light, I'd let her use it IF she stays in bed.), turn off the tv, and sit quiet. If you are serious, she will get it after a few nights. It will be harder and take a bit longer since she is older, but easier than when she is another year or two older. If you are too tired now to try it, is your spring break coming up?

I am glad she has her sweet moments. :) Just remember who's the boss though.

Leigh Ann said...

Just press Ctrl I again and the italics come back off. It's like a toggle feature. It turns on and off the italics.

Jake has a pretty strict bedtime at 8pm, but it wasn't always easy. The main thing is consistancy! Very important. It'll be hard (as you very well know) to continually put her back in bed without a word. If you talk to her, then you're giving her attention. Apparently you don't want to make it "fun" to be tucked in numerous times. Kids like attention regardless if it's good or bad. I can't remember where I read that, but it worked for me. But I stress consistancy because it's THE most important factor imo.

Oh, about making a scene... do it. Let her know that you don't care who's around or what kind of situation you're in- YOU are the boss and SHE will listen. Chances are she'll be more embarassed than you are in front of her friends. She'll think twice about doing it in front of her friends again. Yes, it's embarassing for you. But it appears that you are already embarassed that you have to lower yourself to plead with your daughter. Claim back your authority.

Those are all just imo. I know you're a great mom and these kids are good kids. We all have good kids that sometimes do things to get on our nerves! LOL. Good luck.