Thursday, February 07, 2008

I could bitch

but what fun is that? Im on my cousin's laptop bc my internet and/or computer has just decided to not cooperate. What gives? I had to apply for my student loan today, so I just borrowed my cousins laptop while she is out for the day. In order to do the application for the loan, i had to call the place bc i couldn't remember my username/password. The guy stayed on the phone with me the entire length of the application. A very nice gesture, in deed, to make sure that I have done everything correctly and to answer any questions as they come up. the problem was, I have an almost 5 yr old and an almost 3 yr old who find themselves unable to maintain decency while mom spends quite some time on a business call. It started with Seb going to my bedroom and getting out my game (battle fo the sexes) and strewing it all over my bedroom. every last piece. I pull him out of my room and bring him out here, kicking and screaming the whole way(gosh mr. loan guy must have been so amused by it all, but mroe likely he was irritated as i was). SEb heads back there AGAIN this time getting all the video games out. I am really ready to duct tape him in a mummy form...from say his neck to his toes. I finally get him to sit and watch a movie...only to have makenneh whining from bedroom to help her untie her dog leash. I cover mouthpiece of phone (trying to be kind to mr. loan man) and tlel her that i cannot do that right now bc i was on phone, so she would need to wait until the call was finished. she continued to whine. she then came out and sat right next to me to whine, yell and otherwise act a fool demanding that i go do that for her. Close your eyes if you find this offensive, but i swatted her lips. She was so darn disrespectful it makes me want to spit tacks. Of course, once i was off phone, they both acted fine. Now, i know they just couldn't stand to not have my undivided attention but they both need to learn that they can't always have it. I have things i need to do to make things functional for all of us.

Sigh. I survived. but my blood pressure is surely thru the roof right now. THey are out playing in the snow. I can see and hear them from here, so all is well. I can pretend to be in blissful silence, while hearing them and seeing htem and knowing that a pane of glass separates us. i will survive.

We were dumped on with snow over the past 24 hours or so. At least a foot, probably more. Schools and some businesses are even closed. Our college closed yesterday at 3. I didn't have to go to my evening class last night nor tonight. Of course ,the class i have tonight is Psych. The bad thing is, we have only had class once. Yep, once. The first week of winter semester, we met. The next week, teacher canceled for reasons unknown. Then last week our campus was closed due to weather/power outage. Tonight is canceled for weather. Hmmm. the move. I am still just as unsure as ever. They lowered the price but we are still $1k short. I thought I would be getting my refund from financial aid soon, but the school says not til beginning of march. So, I am at a loss, once again. That check will give us what we need, but i doubt the place is gonna wanna wait a month. Who knows. I will have to call them today to see what they are willing to do. Meanwhile, staying here, cuts into the funds we have for moving...more rent, etc. We can move to my parents but i don't have anywhere for my stuff and we dont' want to move twice in one month....that doesn't even sound appealing. I hate being so damn close yet so far away. I cannot wait to be done with school and onto a career that pays enough to leave all this crap behind. And I promise now, as i have before, that 1.) I will look back on these days and laugh and 2.) I will do something beneficial with my career to help those less fortunate.

Well, mom just called and she is coming to get makenneh and have her stay the night. Woohoo! (hey, how bout i pack seb in her suitcase?). LOL. So, im off here to finish my rounds online, not knowing when i will have the chance to do so again. THen have to get kenneh packed.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

So much snow so fast wasn't it! Part of ours fell as slush, so that was lovely!

I used to keep popsicles or suckers on hand for when I had an important call. They knew they'd get them, but it kept them quiet for little while anyway. :)