Monday, December 01, 2008

stealing a moment

Things have been crazy around here. We went up to my grandma's for Thanksgiving. That meant a little over two hours to get there and the same to get home. A lot of time in the car that day, but it was a great time. I got up wee early friday morning for the crazy shopping spree. I have to say taht I have NEVER seen such ugliness in my entire life and hope to never see such again. We went to walmart first because they had the best deals for what I wanted. No parking, no carts, no room to breath. IT was rediculous. But that wasn't the bad part. It's a 24 hour store, so ppl are there, plenty before the 5am doorbuster deals start. at 5, the place became a dangerzone. I literally looked up and saw hands, fists and boxes flying in a massive clump. It was the most wretched scene ever. Grown people acting like imbeciles. Blech. I stood back and let all hell break loose. Then, nonchalantly gathered the things I wanted and proceeded to check out. Because of the chaos, I really didn't get all the things I had wanted, but i wasn't willing ot fight the crowds. Saving a few bucks just wasn't THAT important to me. Overall, we had a good time shopping but the stories I have heard about this black friday make me the one guy who worked at a walmart in new york and was trampled by shoppers. That is disgussting. No excuse anywhere for the that kind of behavior and I hope like all hell that those stupid, ignorant, self-absorbed people who so thoughlessly trampled another human being lose sleep for the rest of their poor, pitiful lives over their reckless, thoughtless, disgusting behavior. Yes, it sickens and saddens me that people would behave that way all in the name of saving a few dollars. Life cannot be reduced to a dollar amount and yet those shoppers took a life for the sake of racing to save a few bucks. Yuck.
End tangent.

We have been dumped on with snow. I hate driving in it and was really hoping my class would be canceled for today but no such luck. The schools were closed for the kids but my college didn't close. I was actually pleased to find the roads in fine condition by the time I left here at quarter to ten this morning. It wasn't a bad drive at all.

Oh to back track....Friday evening Makenneh got sick....throwing up and diarrhea. All day saturday I was wretchedly sick. i slept all day, except to get up and race to the bathroom. Today, Jeremy had it and this evening, my dad started coming down with it. He came home, had dinner, plowed the driveway and was in bed by 630. I hope we are done with the bug after this.

Well, I am gonna stop here for now, because I want to finish making my rounds on here and get to bed. Stay warm!


Nelson Family of 7 said...

We went shopping on Black Friday too but we didn't even leave teh house until 11am so we missed most of the craziness! I can't believe people no a ways-it is ridiculous! I am hoping that the sickness is gone for you guys too! It stinks when everyone gets sick.

Julie Q said...

Went to Walmart too at 5:00 am. My hometown Walmart was not as nutty as the one here was two years ago when I went. Thank goodness!

I read online they are trying to figure out who trampled that person. Watching the surveillance tapes. I hope they figure that out!

I hope everyone feels better soon! Yucky germs! :(

We have no snow here...yet!