Friday, October 05, 2007

busy bee, busy me

Go go go! That's me. wow. Some days I don't even have a chance to eat until 5pm. It's insane. Makenneh is loving school and the bus ride. I am so glad that she has taken to school. Every day, she is so eager to get on the bus that she wants to head to the bus stop 20 mins early! I'm enjoying the one on one time this gives Sebastian and I. I think he is liking it as well. Today we went grocery shopping. Oh what fun! But he was such a good boy. I was so proud of him. And when it's just one kid, I am able to take in more of their wonder as they observe the world around them. Our day was spent running around. We went with my cousin Ashley bc we both needed to get groceries. After getting Makenneh on the bus, we spent the whole time she was at school, getting groceries. wowzer! THen, it's get home, get groceries put away, get ready go to class. Jeremy handled dinner for the most part. That was a huge help. I was so exhausted before class I wasn't sure I would survive 3 hours. But i did and even stayed awake! go me! AFter class, I went to the local grocery store to get a few things that they had on sale (and a few things that weren't even on my So yea, essentially my day was spent at grocery stores. But we have food. We have toiletries. Everyone is happy. LOL. I tried to shop for convenience, because most nights are so hectic, having things are quick and easy just sounds better. But, with a limited budget, I don't want to be shoving banquet tv dinners down my family's throat too often. That's a heart attack waiting to happen. I did buy a few, though.

My English class is getting to me. I love English, for the most part. I've always enjoyed the writing and all that. And it's always came fairly easy to me. Well, this class....we don't learn anything. He talks about his family non stop and doesn't cover anything course related. Well last night (wed night), he showed the class how to do an outline. A few things grated on me. 1. This is English 102. 2nd level english, ya know. College course. WE SHOULD KNOW HOW TO DO A DAMN OUTLINE BY NOW. Ok, so maybe he wants to refresh memories. Probably a good idea. There are some of us, myself included, who haven't been in school for several (or more) years. But here is number 2. The outline he showed is like 8th grade level outline. I sat there thinking, "wtf, you have got to be kidding me!" Scary. Absolutely scary that this man is allowed to teach at a college level. Oh and he passed out this packet with poems in it that he compiled, on our first day of class. Every class he reads some of them. Ok, fine. But, he doesn't do it in a way that we are learning anything. Not like he discusses the different types of poetry he is reading or anything. He says he loves poetry, so we will listen to them. JOY! Everyone feels lost and it's because we feel like we should be learning something but we aren't. We feel like there should be homework, but there really isn't. When there is, he spends all of 5mins out of a 3 hour class to talk about the assignment. AAAGGGHHH! He is a great guy. Don't get me wrong. But his teaching abilities expired a decade ago, im afraid. A few of us in the class decided that we should go to the bar after class for a drink to wind down. It's that frustrating. LOL. All i can say is i better get an A in this class. He isn't teaching anything, so how in the hell can we get lower than that?

I got a B on my first test in Multicultural communication. I really am not too happy about that. It was open book/notes. The problem was, though, that most questions were worded poorly. We were discussing after class how many of the questions could have had more than one answer...and they were multiple choice on a scantron. So, not like you could cover your bases in a written out answer. Hopefully next week's test won't be so ambiguous. I decided to work with a partner for our big project for this class. That's the one I mentioned before where we pick a culture to do a 30 min presentation on. We decided to do it on English culture. REAL English culture...Helen's English culture! LOL. So, Helen, take notice, you are going to have some You will be our primary source of information. We can read books and articles until our eyes pop out, but how better to get the true feeling than to talk to someone who lives it?! Hmmm, wonder if i could get an educational grant to fly to England for my own "research"? I can dream! I have to mention that when I first mentioned this to my partner (who just graduated high school this past summer), she said, but England's culture is pretty much the same as ours. I said, oh but it isn't. It is quite different. I think there is this assumption that because we speak "English", the cultures must be alike. Our culture here is American culture. Sure we share similarities...but it is plenty different. Anyway, we just picked our topic and have yet to get started. I am looking forward to this project. I don't even mind the part about getting up in front of the class to give a 30 min presentation! We also have to start on a project called my multicultural house. We have to talk about our own ancestry, culture, etc. That should be fun too! of course, when you think about it, it will be involved, as my ancestry involves my mom's maternal and paternal side and my dad's maternal and paternal side. That's a lot of information. I know the most about my paternal ancestry, so i will probably focus on that. There are actually interesting stories for that side of the family.

Well, im off to finish my rounds so i can get to bed!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Bummer your English class is boring. I do bet there are a few people that needed the refresher course on how to make an outline though.

It is hard to shop for convenience. Crock pot food is good. Hot dogs are quick. :) We buy Oscar Mayer turkey hot dogs. Some frozen pizzas are actually quite good too. Not all healthy meals though. Like you said, hard.

On the weekends you could make bigger meals and save leftovers for one night. Oh and breakfast for supper cooks up quickly. :)

Ok, I will stop for now. Keep working hard!! :)