Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Car back in commission

My dad took the wheel up to the used tire shop and got a new tire put on it after he got out of work today. So, car is all set. I asked him how much the tire was and he asked why. I told him so i could give him money for it. HE asked if I was sure and would it leave us tight. I replied, "well, a little, but that's life." So, he said talk to your mom about it...you two can take care of it. Mom is with my sister picking up some tickets to a haunted house that my sister won from a radio station. i will have to try to call her again. But at any rate, the tire is fixed. Whew! Someday, I will not have to worry about bald tires, holy tires, old tires. I will be able to drive nicer (probably never brand new) vehicles with tires replaced as needed without a worry as to the cost. Someday.

Yeah, maybe 5 is going to be better with Makenneh. I talked about she cleaned up the living room the other day without even being asked. Well, today, she folded clothes without being asked. I honestly thought i would have to refold them..but no! She actually did quite a good job, towels, clothes and all. She put them all back in a basket to take care of them, too. Whoa. I can handle this. It's a reminder that it is time to give out chores. She is more than ready for small tasks around the house.

I made one of those Betty Crocker Complete meals tonight..ya know, the box with everything you need to make dinner?! IT was Chicken Alfredo and I have to say, it wasn't bad. And just one dish to dirty. Can't go wrong there. Only thing easier/better is eating out. LOL.

Well, Sebastian is being a big brat and I will have to get off here. He has been fighting naps real bad. today, i found something that just might be helpful. Every day that I am home with it at nap time (which, face it, isn't a lot of days), I am going to put him in his room, shut the door and make him stay in there until he takes his nap. Yep, sounds cruel. But, he has got to start taking naps. I am sick of his whining and crabbiness when he gets over tired.

Ok, yeah, time to go

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I'm glad you have your car back. It is hard without a vehicle. I'm glad your parents are able to help you out too. I do hope we can help out kids out if they need it.

And yes, someday, you will have a newer car. I'm sure of it.

I haven't tried those meals out yet. I like the one pot idea. :)

Ah 2 year olds. :) So cute when they are sleeping aren't they? ;)