Friday, October 12, 2007

This and that

The past week or so has been so hectic. But, it's Friday. (well, technically, but for me, it's still thursday bc i haven't been to bed

School: I have to give an oral presentation on Monday. That means, I have to pick a poem, song, speech, anything really and memorize it and recite it emphasizing vocal inflection, gestures, facial expressions. Yippee. The memorizing part was easy...bc I chose a song and well, I love my music. But I am out of my element if i have to basically "act" in front of the class. It doesn't come natural to me to be animated. At least not unless Im in a very comfortable and familiar setting.
I had a test in Math on Wed...don't think I did so hot. Then again, i could be wrong...bc the last test i was sure i didn't do so well and got them all right. We shall see on mon.
English...well, the teacher finally kinda "taught" on wed night. Wow. It was different. Usually he spends the entire class time talking about family and other odd subjects. He jumps topics like no other.
In Multicultural communications, we are starting to work on our projects. My partner and I chose English culture and Helen is going to help with it. Im excited about it because I think, with Helen's personal touch, it will be a great presentation.
That's about it on the school front.

Makenneh is loving school. Things are going great there.

I am feeling a tad bit better, but still have a nasty cough that gets the best of me sometimes. But, i have been able to cut down on the meds, so that is a good thing. I was taking so much medicine, that my head was groggy from all of it. (One problem for my math test..i felt out of it).

Tues was a drama-ful day. I told Julie about it in an email, but gee, i don't know if i want to go through all of it again. I will give a short and sweet version. Feel free to email if you need more details.
Tues I have no class. But, i was hosting bunco so, i had a lot of things to do. I got Makenneh on the bus, although, we almost missed it. Ran around to finish up shopping in prep for bunco. Got home in time to take a breath and head to bus stop to get her off bus. I almost missed getting her off bus..well technically, i DID miss it. I rounded the corner of our street as the bus was pulling away. She was at the bus stop, looking around. I yelled her name, but i dont think she heard. When i reached her, she was holding hands with a big girl who was very kind. The girl said that Makenneh told her her mom wasn't there, so the big girl (whose name i didn't get it) said, "It's ok, I'll help you." and took her hand. I thank the girl and also made sure to tell her where we live, in case, God forbid, this happens again. Then, we get back home and i have to cook the food and get everything ready. Bah. THe kids were under foot, wanting everything, getting into everything and i was already frazzled. We rented the community room at the office for bunco, bc we wouldn't all fit in my home. They are getting ready to remodel so the room is about bare, causing awful echoing. OMG. I already had a headache and this was horrible. But, we dealt with it. Then, shit started flying. My cousin ashley ran home real quick (she lives across from me and our street is right across from office). it was during a mini break....two tables were done with the round, some ppl were outside having a cigarette break, etc. Well, my mother in law (and i guess a few others, though i missed their words) were complaining and carrying on bc ash ran home. I stepped out, hollered for ash and she was already on her way back. I get back in the room and mother in law is being down right bitchy. I said, ok, guys...if you want to play bunco, you need to be available form 6 pm til 10 pm. We shouldn't be rushed all the time. This is our night out, supposed to be fun. Well, when ash walked in, mother in law lit into her. Ash said, if you have somewhere better to be, go! So, mil (Mother in law) got up and left. Not before getting a jump start (her jeep wouldn't start) from my aunt all the while bitching about my cousin. Bah! Drama! Then i get home, jeremy goes to bed. I go to ashley's. Jeremy comes over about 20 mins later or so. I was like, wth? He said the neighbors music (we could all hear it blaring). He stayed about 2 mins and left. Gets to the road and they blare it again. I hear yelling and run outside to see J walking back to our place shirtless! I get to him and im like, what just happened. I guess, he was in bed, heard the music blaring so he got up, got dressed, went over, kindly asked them to turn it down (his words were, could you please turn the music down because i have to get to bed for work). They were all drunk and kinda blew him off, but did turn it down. HE walked from there to ashley's (she lives right next door to them) and was there about 2 mins...he left to go home, they blared it again, so he stopped back there and this time was firm and a bit grumpy...I just effin asked you to turn the music down. It hasn't even been 5 mins! And with that, the drunk guy comes at jeremy swinging, grabs his shirt, etc. So, jeremy hit him. (Ugh...but...). So, needless to say, the adranaline rush kept him up til about 2am. They haven't had music on since. Hopefully it stays that way. I hate that it had to end in physical confrontation, but at least i can say jeremy did try to do the right thing. Should this problem arise again, we are just going to call cops without any warning. THey are drunks and druggies and not ppl to deal with bc you never know their reaction to anything (obviously). Ugh! More drama.

Guess that ended up being pretty much the full version...oh well. Now you know. LOL.

On a positive note, Jeremy's grandma is home from surgery and doing pretty good. She will go in for check ups to see how positively the spleen removal is helping. I guess her spleen was changing the shape ??? of her blood or something and causing problems. I don't know, this is just what jeremy's one aunt said in the email update. At any rate, I was glad to get his aunt's update because JEremy's mom (drama queen, anyone?) said in a dramatically sad voice that Jeremy needs to go see his gma bc she isn't doing well and she didn't think she would get to go home any time soon. She is out of it and doesn't know anything that's going on anymore, and so on and on. Wow.
And while we are speaking of my mother in law (her name is Chris, shorter to type)....while at bunco, she saw the tag on my mom's shirt from headstart (my mom volunteered in Makenneh's class that day) and asked about it. She told my mom that she didn't even know that m was in school (all pouty). Well, that's complete and utter bullSHIT. She stopped by sunday and I told her that Makenneh was in school and riding the bus and loving it. Of course, she was blown out drunk (or close to it, couldn't even hold her damn eyes open) and so she doesn't remember. She failed to mention that to my mom when she was trying to lay on a guilt trip. Ugh. I am so sick of her drama. It's times like that when I kick myself in the rear for ever insisting that Jeremy mend relations with her. Sometimes i think my life would be a bit more peaceful if i would have left well enough alone. OH well. Hindsight is always 20/20.

So yea, welcome to my world. Thank God im in school. A break from the insanity. except on days when i can't find a parking spot and drive around and around the sprawling campus, wasting time, causing me to be late. Yeah, we don't like those days much. I am glad I only have one class on the main campus. The parking is soooo horrible there. NOt enough parking to accommodate the student population.

Are you suffering from information overload yet? lol.

Well, im off for the night...

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Wow! You are busy! Busy is so good isn't it? :) Christina, you sound so much better than a year ago. I hope you feel better too. Not that you sounded bad last year, but a little sad. Am I making sense? Or just burying myself further? You can always blame my benadryl induced state of mind. ;)

I did read your email. Sorry I didn't get back to you! It was a busy week here getting ready for sister's visit and Z being sick.

Oh and yes, always better to involve the police in a matter like that. Usually in a mobile home park they can only have the cops called so many times before they kicked out. That is how it is here.

Take care!!