Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Darn Tires

I got a flat on my way to class tonight. I had to call my mom who was on her way home. She took me to class and we found out class was closed. Luckily i have this strange habit of reading obituaries and saw that my teacher's mom had passed and her funeral was today. So, I had mom wait for me while i made sure we had class. OTherwise, i woulda been stuck up there until class would have been over. Not that it would have been all bad. But im sure before the 3 hrs were up, boredom would have sunk in.

So, tomorrow i get see if the hole in tire can be patched (I hope, bc it's so much cheaper) or if i have to get another tire.

It seems every week something happens that takes money we don't have. We can't ever get ahead.

Well for some reason, this computer is being strange and i can type real fast, but the cursor can't keep up with me and it's very frustrating and making for some typos. So, im gonna get off here and get to bed....


Julie Q said...

Bummer on the tire! If the tire can't be fixed, ask if they have a used one you can buy. We used to do that when our big kids were little. Not free or as cheap, but cheaper.

The other me said...

Don't I know how you feel? Man sometimes you just can't get ahead! Hope tomorrow is better for you.