Sunday, October 07, 2007

Thank God for Mom

I was laying on the couch, dozed off tonight, when we heard a knock at the door! It was my mom and dad! Mom brought several meds over for me. She has a medical book of some sort and she read about bronchitis for me and went and got some of the meds they said would be most helpful. One was mucinex type med (we always go with generic. Doctor has even said that they contain the same ingredients and if you take a moment to check, you will see they do). I took one of those and it has been very helpful. In fact, it's about time to take another. I still feel exhausted and as if all my energy has been sucked from me. I spent most of the day sleeping/napping, lazing around. Although i have washed dishes, twice, helped cook dinner and have been working on laundry. When you're a mom, there is no sick days. The household chores still need to be done. The kids still need to be tended to. And as a college student, homework always need done. I did get the homework done. it's not that the teacher is going to collect/grade it, but we can use it on our test which is tomorrow night. So, i had to get it done, along with reading 2 chapters. I still have the rest of chapt 4 to read, but it is so hard to comprehend what i read, bc my head is so groggy. I am a tad nervous about this test, just because I don't feel like I am very ready for it. I will try to squeeze in more reading and studying tomorrow before and after my afternoon class.

Then, wouldn't it figure that i am sick and I get all kinds of company this weekend?! One of my aunts and uncles kept the kids for us friday night, so they brought them home saturday and stayed and visited and watched a movie, then my other uncle and his fiancee stopped by. Then we went to my parents for a cookout. Today, Mark and Missy came back over so she could use the internet, then my parents stopped by, then Jeremy's mom stopped by, then my cousin and her husband (the ones who just got married a couple weekends ago) stopped by. Wow! And you can imagine that this place isn't exactly spotless. I have been doing bare minimum. OH well, that's life. It is what it is! (my dad uses that phrase a lot and ya know, I like it.)

Oh, i just noticed that someone cut the cat's whiskers. The poor boy. Grrr! Makenneh insists she didn't do it, but who knows. I didn't see who did it and i've found no evidence. No wonder he runs off outside. ;-)

Well, im going to finish my rounds on here and try to get some sleep. I really hope I feel decent enough tomorrow to survive school. I dont' wanna be hacking and coughing and gagging and feeling lifeless through the class. LOL.

Oh and to add to my weariness, AF started tonight. Couldn't that wait? I already feel run down enough! Blah!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I used to get bronchitis annually as well. It was awful. I hope you feel better soon! Bronchitis is bacterial though and if isn't better soon, please see a doctor.

When unexpected company comes by, they (hopefully) understand when the house hasn't had more than the bare minimum cleaned up.