Sunday, December 23, 2007

And then the rains came

Yep. It is raining outside. Pouring to be exact. The warm temps from the past two days has melted most of the snow away and now the rain is sure to vanish the rest of it. Crazy! Of course, what we will end up with when all is said and done, is a bunch of ice everywhere, bc you know this rain is going to freeze. The bottom will drop out on the temps and bam! Ice! So, break out your ice skates. Too bad for those of us who don't own any...much less know how to skate anyway.

I am technically done with Christmas shopping. I say technically, bc the truth is, it isn't done until it's too late Christmas Eve to stop and get anything else.

Because I have been so blessed this Christmas, I want to try to get a few things for my two cousins bc my aunt and uncle don't have much money this year for Christmas. The kids are a bit older (12 and 16) so they understand the money issue, but I still believe that every child deserves some kind of Christmas. So, I have to assess our money situation and see what I can swing, if anything at all. I was just thinking a couple small things..nothing too much, bc well, Lord knows I can't afford it.

So, we had the Christmas party for Jeremy's dad's side of the family today. It went ok. Attitude wise, with his aunt, it went great. She was very tolerable today. What I didn't like is how they did the gift thing. Ok, I didn't mind the process, I hated what we ended up with. The deal was, we each drew a number. The number represented the order in which we chose a gift from the pile. You could "steal" the gift from anyone who went before you or you could pick one from the pile. So, I ended up with number 4. That meant, I could only steal from the first 3, one of which was Jeremy..who was number 3. I opted to choose a gift from the pile and opened it. It was very nice...a set from bath and body works...lotions, bath salts, spray, etc. However, the next female to go stole it from me (that thing ended passed along the line as everyone wanted it). So, when my gift was stolen, I had to choose one from the pile. That gift was a damn sandwich maker. I had one before that gave away bc i don't have room for that kinda thing and it never got used. And jeremy's gift was a heated ice scraper. lighter thing in my car doesn't work, so it will be of no use to us. In previous years, we have drawn names, so ppl buy things geared toward the person. THis year, it had to be "generic" gifts that were gender neutral. (although, obviously a few ppl got gender related gifts..) Jeremy likes the sandwich maker thing..bc i was gonna give it to his brother, bc Michael thought it was cool (of course, he would, he is a bachelor, living in a house rented by like 4 guys). But, jeremy insists it will be cool. Which, ok, it can to make pizza sandwiches on it. But the truth is, it will get tucked away in a cupboard and forgotten.

I am suffering from temporary insanity bc it is 230am and I have an itching to go to walmart and do some shopping (see, i told you it isn't over til it's too late to go). But, it is so peaceful to shop this late at night...most of the world (ok in side of the world) is sleeping and well, the stores are empty and quiet and free of those rude, rushed crazed ppl running mad through the aisles. Not to mention, without any kids in tow, well, i can walk around at my own leisure and just browse. Yeah, I think I shall take a dose of retail therapy. Where's my socks?

I had a helluva time with a gift for my brother in law. He is 22, bachelor, college student, computer geek, strange overall...and well, just have no idea. I called Jeremy while i was out shopping earlier and said, "this is it. What do you want to give your brother? I have no idea and well, we are out of time." He ended up saying a gift card. When I first suggested that, he had said no bc Michael doesn't have a car..he lives in the cultural area near the college and doesn't really have a need and it saves him money. So, the chances of him getting to walmart to use the gift card are narrowed. But, he decided to go ahead and do it. I did pick him up a pair of boxers with beer mugs all over it...just to have a little something to go with it. Then, as i was wrapping, i realized that we spent more on his dad's gf than we did on his dad and that is unsettling for me. So, i feel like we need to get him a little something more. But, did i mention, we are doing Christmas with him tomorrow (as in sunday) at 1pm? AS in, about 10.5 hr away. LOL. gah.

Anyway, I just saw that my sis sent me a message, so im going to see what she had to say. Take care, everyone enjoy your holidays and stay dry if you are around here where it's raining!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Ugh! To the rain and warm temps! :( Our snow is just about gone now! I can't believe it! I didn't think all that snow would melt before Christmas!

Have you ever watched the extras on Happy Feet? There is an adorable cartoon on there that Zachary just loves! :)

Got your card! Thank you. I put the kids on my fridge. :)