Thursday, December 27, 2007

What's this?

It seems that Santa was spreading more than Christmas Cheer this year. So many people were sick for Christmas that it's crazy. I was miserable Christmas day and still not up to par, my uncle and his family were all sick, my aunt was sick, Julie's son was sick, my other aunt and uncle were sick and several other people I have heard were sick. Now, Makenneh is sick. The poor little girl has done little else besides sleep since yesterday morning. Sebastian has the cough, but it hasn't taken him down like it did me and Makenneh. OF course, that boy is a ball of energy, so im guessing it's going to take more than that to put him out of commission.

I did manage to get most of the Christmas mess put away yesterday. Of course, my cousin is here and was a great help. I just don't have enough energy to do much. The slightest bit of activity drains me. That's the worst part of this sickness - the fatigue. I guess I just have to be thankful that I got it while off of school. I don't know how i would have managed being this sick during school.

And speaking of classes are set, my books are bought and now I just wait until Jan. 12 when classes start. I'm taking some interesting classes this semester. Philosophy of Ethics, Fundamentals of Human Sexuality, Gen. Psych and a Social Work class- community welfare programs. That last class I took bc i needed one more class to be full time and it was the only thing that fit in my schedule. It won't hurt to take it but isn't really something I need. From the looks of things, next semester I will be stuck at the main campus for most if not, all of my classes. I am hoping that they offer more classes at the local campus next semester so that I don't have to go to main campus so much. I hate the parking mess out there. And the fact that it's so sprawled out.

Well, I am going to get off here. Hope everyone is feeling good and avoiding the germs that Santa seems to have passed along!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Darn Santa! ;)

My boy has more energy today than he's had in a while. It's good to see. :)