Monday, December 17, 2007

Still have class

I called the "school closing hotline" when i got up. WE still have class today. Of course, from what I can see out my windows (which is only the street in our park that i live on), we didn't get much of any snow last night anyway. Wonder if all those schools regret canceling last night? At least the babysitter situation still works out for me, as my aunt and uncle are watching my kids. I feel for those parents who either had to stay home or pay extra for daycare bc school is closed. It wouldn't be as bad if it weren't unnecessary. THe roads should be fine.

Well, im off here to get ready. Have an hour to get us all ready and Makenneh is still sleeping!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Sorry you had school. Snow days are just relaxing. :) I know here, Ken said, they were just getting to cleaning up the turn arounds on the major roads when he came home today. Such a mess out there! Well, out here anyway.