Saturday, January 05, 2008


I have been having headaches lately. I can feel a knot in my shoulder blade region and I'm thinking that, along with sinus issues, is the culprit. My hot pack has become my very bestest friend. THankfully (and I should knock on wood or something, lol), they haven't lasted long and I've been able to get rid of them with ibuprofen and hot pack.

My sleeping is also out of whack. I am having the worst episode of insomnia ever. it's horrible. For about 3 nights, i was up all in, up when Jeremy got up for work. I would then go to bed...sleep for a few hours before the kids were up. Hopefully I can get it all worked out and back to some sort of normal schedule this weekend.

Makenneh finally goes back to school monday. Sheesh. It feels like she has been off forever.

Nothing really exciting taking place in my corner of the world. I have been lazy and loungeful. Hah, i think i just made up a word. It's been kinda nice, but too much of this can be quite boring. I don't know how i functioned without some sort of schedule and order to this chaos. Now, i feel all off kilter bc Im not going to school. Funny how that works.

I need to get the few returns I have back to the stores..i am such a procrastinator. But, really, there is no drive to do it when I dread the thoughts of hauling two kids into the mall. Have I ever said how much i hate the mall? I try to avoid it as often as possible. I usually do quite well with it. But, one of the returns requires me to go to JC Penney. thankfully, just JCP, bc then i can enter right at JCP and be done with it. Avoid the crazies that lurk throughout the mall. LOL. OK, it's not so much the crazies..i don't know what it is about the mall that i find so repulsive. I have been able to go and enjoy it, but for the most part, it's just too many damn people in one place for me. And then you have all the kids hanging out there like it's an amusement park, acting like fools. I also need to make an appt to get my hair cut. Mom and Dad got me a gift card to get it done. I haven't had my hair cut, professionally in a few years. When it gets cut, it's bc i get in one of my "moods" and take the scissors to it myself. Thankfully I have naturally curly hair and I can do that...bc you can't see if it's uneven or not. And now that i have a gift card for a cut, my hair has been looking sooo good lately, i don't think i want more than a trim. How fun is that? Why i can do that my very self. What I'd really like is highlights. I have wanted them for a very long time. But i just never can really spend that kinda money on something so damn frivolous.

And lately, I have had the desire to be more stylish. For instance...i do the same thing with my hair every day...i pull it back in one of those "incomplete" pony tails, where I have hair left on the top of my does look cute, but it's time for something else. the problem is, i cannot stand for my hair to be anywhere near my face. I hate the feeling of it. It drives me absolutely crazy. I also want to start wearing makeup sometimes..the reason i rarely do now is bc i just don't know how to apply it. I mean, i can do the basics...but eyeshadow always gets me. And I never know what is "in" and all that crap. Im just not "hip" to all of it. But I know I would feel much better with a nice hair do that is stylish and cute and some makeup on that is simple but yet accents my beautiful

Ok i have rambled enough..i am going to go to bed. I swear, i am going to do it. Mind, it is time to shut down. It is time to meet the sandman. I am certain he has missed me lately!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Sorry to hear about the headaches. Ugh! I always try to hold off taking something, in case I just *think* it's a headache. Then it gets full blown!

I need to return something to Kmart. My Mom bought Ken and I gifts that don't fit.

I've never been a huge fan of the mall. Until Eddie got big enough to pick out his own clothes! And then there are my girls, one on the tiny side one on the plus side. So it is nice to have all those choices under one roof. :) I do limit the mall to lunch with my girlfriend, and back to school shopping. :)

I hope you got some sleep! :)

Oh, and, I sent you and email.