Monday, January 21, 2008


I have several things on my mind this morning...well some have been on my mind, but this is the first time I have sat to type. The first thing, which totally appalls me, is the fact that my uncle FORCED his two teenage daughters to get baptized a few weeks ago. I had known the girls were baptized, but i didn't think much of it, despite the fact that until very recently, they hadn't even been going to church or anything. Well, the girls told me this weekend that their dad forced them and the younger one (12) said she was very scared. Ok, scared is a normal feeling, I think, when dealing with baptism, but the fact that it was forced makes my stomach twist and turn into knots. Something as intimate and personal as baptism, in our faith, should be decided willingly by the person being baptized. Otherwise, what good does it really do? Not to mention, I am so afraid that him forcing religion so spitefully onto these teens (16 and 12) is just going to turn the away from the religion. Both girls talk very negatively about the whole God/religion right now and it breaks my heart. God isn't the problem. It's their father. The dumb ass. Ugh, i can't say how freakin upset this makes me. The main reason he is suddenly wanting them in church, forcing baptism, etc, is bc he thinks that by taking (errrr, forcing them) to church, the oldest one won't be gay anymore. Well, I don't think that is a good enough reason. The truth is, she is going to be who she is and fortunately, God still loves her, whether her own dad does or not. It would be wonderful if all this church going would speak to his heart. Grrrr. And while we are on the same subject of *him* I will add my second vent. As I posted the other night, my sister had the opportunity to sing on stage with a local band. So, a bunch of us went out to support her. I needed the girls (cousins mentioned above; yes, folks, I let my gay cousin babysit my kids, i know, *gasp*...grrrr) to babysit, so i asked my aunt and uncle if they wanted to come. I figured he would not otherwise let the girls babysit, bc he likes to keep them on a short leash. Well, they don't have money, so we said we would buy them some drinks. (We got our income taxes back, otherwise, wouldn't have been able to do that). Anyway, we all go. He has slipped back into his old alcoholic self, so it would seem. (And despite all those Sundays in the pews). My brother, Matt and his gf, Sara, some of Sara's friends, Carrie's friends, some cousins, my parents, me and Jeremy, aunt and uncle, all went. Well, at some point, later in the night, Uncle decides that while dancing on the dance floor, he would cop a feel on one of Sara's friends. Mind you, this girl (I say girl, she is in her 20s) is pregnant and taken (she is with one my brother's friends). Well, my brother found out that Uncle was feeling up this girl's leg and whoa, let's just say the shit about hit the fan. The only saving grace was my dad being there and talking to Matt that he (uncle) isn't worth going to jail for. But, this isn't the first time that uncle has done this kind of shit. Every damn time he drinks, he gets too friendly. Well, i can't say every time. He dried up for awhile and wasn't drinking and then he started drinking very casually and was fine for that time...he wasn't feeling up on all the females, starting fights, etc. But, last night proved that he is back to his old self again, which means, we will not be inviting him anywhere where there is alcohol. I am so disgusted by him. It's bad enough to feel up on someone, but it's worse when that person is freaking pregnant. it makes *me* feel dirty and gross. I can't imagine how violated she must've felt. I wish she would've made a scene by smacking his across his face. But, i think she didn't know how to react bc he was with our group. Like she prob thought she didn't want to cause any problems. But, that wouldn't have upset any of us. When a man touches a woman inappropriately, he best expect to get smacked. So, yeah, he is just on the very top of my *shit list* right now. *SPIT*

I went to walmart last night and got myself a new outfit and new shoes. You know those silly flats that everyone is wearing right now? Yeah, i got a pair. they are only 7.50 and I am trendy for probably the first time in my life. LOL. I also got the kids a set of hat and gloves and I had to get kenneh these one boots. They are brown suede, look much like cowboy boots but girly. They were clearance for 11.00. I wasn't going to get them, but being that they were marked down, well i had to. *I just gave the kids their stuff and Makenneh loves the boots. She wants to wake her cousins up right now to show them!*

Last night, before the trip to Walmart, I got in the shower. Seems odd to mention just a normal activity, right? Except that, when i went to step out of hte shower, my foot slipped and weeeee, i landed right on my ass. As I was going down, i grabbed hold of the towel bar and thankfully it broke my fall or rather, slowed it down. So, i sorta fell in slow motion, yelling out for Jeremy as I was going down. He came running. At first, nothing seemed to hurt. He helped me up and I realized that my toe was bleeding. Somehow, I managed to slice my big toe, all down the side. The side that rubs against my 2nd yes, it hurts, bad. This morning, my body aches.

Makenneh and I have no school today, in honor of Martin Luther King day. My plan for the day is to go look at homes and have it narrowed down to a few. When Jeremy gets home tonight, we will go back and make a decision and hopefully move soon! I should be utilizing the help I have here, by packing some things up. I just haven't been in the mood to do it. I guess it's just so overwhelming!

Well, I am gonna get off here and finish my rounds...then get ready for the day! Happy Monday!


Julie Q said...

Ouch to falling! :( I just have to say, my old aching bones are all from falls I've taken when I was younger. Be careful all the time! Well, try to. I think back to the times I fell and think I could have avoided that.

Sorry to hear about the scene at the bar! Oh family can be so, um, gross!

Isn't it fun to get your tax return (rapid refund I assume?) and buy some fun stuff? :) I'm just waiting for Friday and hoping the deposit is there!! :)

Leigh Ann said...


I was checking out your MySpace page when I read that you maintained another blog which is now saved as a favorite. I've only read this entry so far, but I have to agree with you... your uncle seems out of line. I'm sorry he's pushing his daughters away from him and God like this. Being on a short leash, as you say, can't be a good thing for their growth as it appears that his shadow hovers over them. I hope they can persevere regardless.

Leigh Ann