Monday, January 07, 2008

She's off

Just got back from putting Makenneh on the bus. It's her first day back since before Christmas. I was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to start school back up. That had to be the longest Christmas (or whatever generic term they wanna use) break. And get this....they started today and then they have the 18-22 off. What the heck?!

It was a great walk to the bus stop. It is sooo warm outside. I venture a guess it's about 50* or so. I wore just a long sleeve cotton shirt, no coat. For Makenneh, she has a long sleeve shirt, her fleece and then a vest. And she got to wear her new tennis shoes today bc there is no snow to worry about, except that which was piled high from plowing/shoveling. It seriously feels like spring out there right now. I just stood out there and breathed it all in, knowing it won't last. It's supposed to be in the 50s with rain for the next couple days. Who knew it was But, Im not complaining. A break in the cold weather is nice...nice on the heating costs, too.

I go back to school in a week. So, i get one week of just one kid home during the day before I have to start back. I am ready to go.

And guess what..i woke up with a headache again this morning. I need a good, deep massage to break up all that tension in my neck and shoulders. I'm sure that's the cause.

Well, im off here to do something, even if it's

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

It does feel nice out there! Just a few days ago we had record cold and now it's record warm! We do live in Michigan!! :)

Zachary wore his boots today, he was worried about mud on the playground. :)