Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An all-nighter

SO, I pulled an all-nighter last night. But not because I was having fun. I had actually just dozed off when my mom came into my room, phone to ear and said: You need to get up. My heart sank. I knew it was my sister. I get on the phone and she tells me that she has been having pains in her back that are radiating to her sides and stomach. Because of all the issues she is having, I told her she HAS to go in. I told her that mom and I would take her if she wanted. So, she hung up to wake Ralph up and calls back saying we can take her. So, we get dressed and head out the door. I was ill with fear. Horror stories I've heard over the years were haunting my mind. While on the way over there, my mom mentioned that the doctor hadn't given her the Rx for the UTI because he was waiting for the lab results. That was a relief somewhat, because I figured the pain was probably from that. But, on the other hand, UTIs can be dangerous when you are pregnant. We get her to the hospital (women and children part) and they do the intake. OF course, she had to pee in a cup and get completely undressed. They hook her up to the monitors and take her blood pressure. It's a bit elevated. I step out in search of a coke, once I know that she and baby would be ok. I return just as the resident OB is finishing up an exam. Mom fills me in. Resident is HOT at Carrie's OB for not getting her an antibiotic. The resident said it is her belief that if you (as a doctor) suspect a pregnant woman of having a UTI, get the meds in her. Needless to say, it was a pretty bad case of UTI and they ordered an IV administration of antibiotics before she could go home. The doctor had checked her for signs of early labor because she was having contractions registering on the monitor but not that she could feel and with the UTI as bad as it was, it can cause labor. Thankfully everything was ok there. So, by the time she finished off the IV meds and fluids, it was 5am. She was discharged and we dropped her off at home and came home. I Was soooo tired. I dozed while at the hospital and on the way home. I climbed into bed and slept until 1pm. I did get woke up several times because you know, I'm a mom and all and well, things just can't go on if I should try to sleep.

Makenneh stayed home today because she woke up when I got home and was complaining that her stomach hurt. I told her to go back to sleep and get some rest. Well, she woke again a bit later to complain and then went back to sleep. When it was time for her to get up for school, Jeremy woke me to tell me that she was not feeling well. I mumbled to keep her home because she wasn't feeling well in the night either. Thankfully I made that call because she ended up having diarrhea all day long. It slowed down by evening so hopefully she will be better tomorrow.

I thought I would have trouble going to sleep tonight because I slept all darn day, but as it turns out, I am ready for bed already. It was a bit nice to get to sleep in. And I completely appreciated Jeremy coming in and shooing the kids out today so I could sleep. It's those seemingly little things that make a big difference. Oh and speaking of that, the other day I had come home to find the dishes done. I really thought my dad had done them. I found today that Jeremy had done the dishes!!!!! That is huge. I thanked him and let him know how happy I was. He detests dishes (not that anyone really loves doing them, do they?) but he actually did them. How nice. Now, if he only continued on a more regular basis, that would be great. LOL.

I don't feel like there's enough time in a day. I want to get pictures posted on here, but my gosh, I have to find time to download something I am missing that enables me to take the pics off my memory card. I haven't done those things since I bought the new PC so nothing is on here like it was.

I finally sorted the bday dilemma out. I decided to have her bday party with her school friends on her actual bday from 4-6. Then, we will do a joint family party on the 19th. I know it's so far out there, but with Easter and Liberty's uncertain arrival, well, it's too hard to plan for anything sooner. This way, though, I don't have to worry about it anymore. I think that next year I am going to change the way bdays are celebrated. Traditionally in our family, we always had bday parties for the kids. It was never anything fancy. IN fact, it was just cheap paper plates from the grocery store, potluck style, with homemade cake and a bucket of ice cream. Sometimes there would be some inflated balloons (blown up by mouth, usually not helium), or hats or blow-outs. But if there were those things, they just came from the dollar store. So, we never had those big themed bday parties, but we always got together as a family and celebrated the bday boy/girl. I have many fond memories of those events. But, as the family increases in size and given the time of year, it is just too much to keep having these parties. So, I think I am going to focus more on an individualized fun day for the bday kid and leave the parties mostly behind. May still let them have a few friends join us somewhere for some fun, but nothing like I have done in the past. I do still owe Sebastian at least one party, of his own, at Huckleberry Junction, because I did it for Makenneh. THat will be reserved for his 5th bday, just like she had hers for her 5th.

I do plan on posting a pic from the daddy/daughter dance as soon as we get them back. I can scan that into the computer so it doesn't matter that my card reader isn't working.

Well, that's a wrap!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

So glad your sister is ok Christina. What a long night for all of you. I do hope Carrie is feeling better.

I hope Makenneh is feeling better as well.

Sleep is good. :)